Thursday, September 23, 2021

More Bad Poll Numbers For President Biden

A new Harvard/Harris poll found that most people are regretting voting for President Biden as his approval ratings fell over the summer while Donald Trump's ratings saw a small uptick  

Daily Mail: Another devastating poll for Biden shows majority of Americans think he is not mentally sharp and makes bad immigration policy decisions 

* New Pew poll has voters sounding off about their dissatisfaction in detail 

* A whopping 66 per cent believe he's failed his promise to united the country 

* Biden's also dropped in favorability across every age group of voters 

* Donald Trump overthrew Joe Biden in approval ratings for the first time since the two faced off in the 2020 presidential election 

* Biden dropped to about 46 per cent while Trump rose to 48 per cent 

* Kamala Harris is doing better than Biden in nationwide approval numbers 

* His approval with independent voters saw its steepest drop in the last 2 months 

* Biden's numbers are far behind Obama's 61% approval at this point in his term 

* Just 30% of Americans approve of the current US government in general 

Americans of every age have lost confidence in President Joe Biden, his mental acuity and his foreign policy, according to a new poll released on Thursday. 

The Pew Research Center survey, conducted from September 13 to 19, reveals a wide range of critiques voters have against the president in excruciating detail. 

Only 43 percent of Americans believe Biden makes wise immigration decisions, while 56 percent disagree. 

A majority - 37 percent - are 'not at all confident' in his immigration policy.  

Read more .... 

Update #1: Biden approval sinks to 44 percent in new Pew poll (The Hill)  

Update #2: Trump approval outpacing Biden’s in new poll (NYPost)  

WNU Editor: The PEW poll on President Biden is here .... Biden Loses Ground With the Public on Issues, Personal Traits and Job Approval (PEW Research).

Update #3: I have been getting that feedback from some Biden voters in the past month .... 

.... The latest Rasmussen poll shows that in a hypothetical matchup between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in 2024, Trump would win 51 percent to 41 percent. Independent voters give their support to Trump by a whopping 20 points over Biden (PJ Media).


  1. All nonsense
    We all know Biden is the most beloved president in modern history
    I love him so much, I voted for him five times. Ok ok, I might get a kickback here and there, being a good communist stooge, but I'm not fully corrupt. I watch CNN, like a good boy, while the country is being purposefully destroyed to usher in the great reset, and I think that's cool. It's hip. It's a thing now.
    Who needs capitalism and secure food supply anyways?
    I say let's destroy it all to then force our vision for the world onto people. And the good thing is this will cause massive resignation in every job field, from military to police to hospitals. And that's great. The naysayers are gone, now the yes men and yes women will rule together with us in this dystopia we so skillfully created.
    It won't be hell on earth at all, for the 10,000 or so who will have privacy. But for the rest..well, it's just the way it has to be. Because climate change. And we now even indoctrinate your children. It's so beautiful to watch them grow up to be the modern brown shirts. And they'll think they'll do it for the planet Haha suckers welcome to the school of life, peasants!
    -- sincerely yours

  2. You would think a devout liberal being Jewish would know about the Haber process. You would figure they would know it despite being liberal, since Haber was Jewish. Without the Haber process you can say goodbye to a lot of people in the world. You won't have to worry global warming, wild weather, climate change of the pablum of choice that comes out the mouths of liberal shysters and fall onto their bibs. No, they will be thinking "Feet don't fail me now" as they flee a hungry mob.

    The Haber or other similar process take energy as an input. Without it, there is not cheap nitrogen fixing and hence lower crop yields. Liberals better pull their heads out of their keisters and figure you if they really want to be able to afford food.

  3. Joe Biden has personality traits? He might have a few left. My grandfather was immobile, blind and somewhat not there when he died. He never cussed, so he used the words son of gun instead. It was one one of 4 to 7 phrases he would use over and over. He wasn't all there anymore. Joe is like that. He is mobile, but then he never did hard labor.

    But the usual phrases, the Bidenisms, will be more and more frequent as he degrades.

  4. The Pew report is interesting. The difference between the Republicans and Democrats in Congress is 12 points for disapproval or approval

    The Newsweek editor did say that the press was worth 15 points to a Democrat presidential candidate.

    12 is within 3 points of 15. That is the current that anyone in the non dominant team has to fight against.

  5. Biden slips into political quicksand amid Haitian migrant buildup

    Illegals released into USA on 'very, very large scale'...

    The press ever-so-politely turns on Biden, as troubles mount

    Biden's Approval Rating Hits New Low of 43%; Harris' Is 49%

    Biden set to play peacemaker for warring Democratic factions



  6. Here comes Fred to the rescue to post somthing off topic soon. Because he's not really the 90 year old he cliams to be. Just a troll living under a bridge, but wait theres more! Fred so just a Liberal posting anti Rebulican stuff to get the word out. He's platform a wash and so if Fred. Anything the Democrates do he defends to. Joe biden got it done just remember that! Will on video sniffing little girls hair! Even made Hillary uncomfortable. Fred the Troll. Aka parrot keep shit posting..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This day and age makes me go hmm..

  9. Numbers up. Numbers down. Biden is the president and will remain so for three more years.

  10. The real wall to wall Arizona audit has not come out. The fake cursory one has.

    It does not surprise me that a person, who thinks highly of themselves, because they have a certificate and who has never done an inventory or audit, would know or care about the difference of pencil whipping one are.

    People who conduct inventories and audits for a living could live anywhere. They have real skills, certificate holders not so much.

  11. The fake partisan recount in Arizona cost nearly 500,000 dollars for taxpayers. the result: more Biden votes found! Biden not only won Arizona but won it by more votes than originally reported.
    what sayeth thou now, Russ?

  12. The FBI failed to convict on insurrection charges. They dropped the insurrection charges.

  13. suddenly the polls count? the simple fact is that Biden is the president and will be in office for three more years
