Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Israeli Foreign Minister Holds Crisis Talks With US After $1BN Removed For Israel's Iron Dome From US Spending Bill


Daily Mail: Israeli foreign minister holds crisis talks with US after AOC and 'The Squad' force Dems to REMOVE $1BN for Israel's Iron Dome from spending bill: Republicans say hold-up is 'technical' and Dems have 'capitulated to antisemitic influence' 

* The stopgap spending bill was supposed to keep the government funded and running through 2022 with a provision to suspend the debt ceiling 

* The progressive lawmakers took issue with funds for Israel's defense 

* Republican lawmakers are already lambasting Democrats for the abrupt call 

* House Democrats are still aiming to get the bill to the floor later today 

* House Majority Leader Hoyer told Israel the funds will be sent in the 'near future' 

House Democrats removed a provision to give Israel $1 billion toward its Iron Dome defense system from the continuing resolution to keep the government open and funded past September 30 after opposition from the Squad. 

The US was forced into crisis talks with Israel in the fallout, with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer reportedly telling Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid the removal of funds from the stopgap bill was only a 'technical delay.' Hoyer told Lapid the money would be transferred 'in the near future.'  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Progressive Democrats are not happy with this move .... Ilhan Omar slams Democrat colleagues behind new bill to fund Iron Dome and claims Israel is 'human rights abuser' as country's foreign minister says $1BN is vital to stop innocent civilians being killed by terrorist rockets (Daily Mail). 

More News On Republicans & Democrats Teaming Up For Israel After Progressives Strike Iron Dome Funding  

Top House Democrat to introduce separate bill to provide funding for Israel's Iron Dome -- CNN

Israeli Iron Dome funding to get do-over from Democrats after progressive revolt scuttles provision -- Jerusalem Post  

Dems to Vote on Iron Dome Funding This Week After Nixing it from Spending Bill -- CBN  

‘Unacceptable!’: Republicans & Democrats team up for Israel after progressives strike Iron Dome funding from spending bill -- RT


Stephen Davenport said...

The Squad are stone cold bigots and anti-semites

Anonymous said...

Ilhan Omar's father actually worked for the Siad Barre Regime in Somalia. She has no rom to talk.

Real name Ilhan Nur Said Elmi

Anonymous said...

***She has no room to talk.

Anonymous said...

If "Meet the Fockers" is a thing, why not twat? There is actually a town called Twat and one would suppose the inhabitants can actually say the word without breaking down hysterically, or being indignant. All it means in Olde English is a clearing in the woods from logging or something. Kind of takes the fun out of the word sort of like explaining a joke.

Anonymous said...

So sayeth Fred the font of all knowledge, especially the useless.

fred said...

Fred here and just stopped by and now some twat claims I wrote a comment at this post.
wrong try again

Anonymous said...

I'm all for less $$$ for the apartheid state.

Russ is scared by lady parts.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't take much to out you, does it.

Anonymous said...

A foolish or contemptible person.

very apt description of the least knowledgeable person

Anonymous said...

The fking libtards don't understand the actual costs of removing this from the budget. It means that Israel can no longer afford defensive responses to aggression. They'll have no choice but to obliterate even possible staging areas from which missiles could be launched, because the cost of these defensive missiles is prohibitive without US subsidies. What other choices would they have? So, without realizing it, and in order to make clear their hatred of Israel for "anti-Pali" behavior, they have all but guaranteed that future Israeli responses will be magnitudes greater than it otherwise would have been. On second thought, that works for me.

Anonymous said...

If the address of these kids was available I'd send each a burqua[?]

Anonymous said...

Israel is a well-run and successful first world nation, and can afford to fund their own defense. The USA should not bestow funds upon Israel for anything. On that matter, the Squad is correct.