Thursday, September 23, 2021

Reassuring World Leaders

WNU Editor: President Biden's UN speech is below. 


Anonymous said...

BiDumb's Murrica

Anonymous said...

Poor Deluded Fred Lapides

We have Ruby Freeman on video. You do not have to guess what vote stuffing looks like. We can see it.

BiDumb is still sinking in the polls. Look for Democrats announcing their retirements due to family.

Meanwhile BiDumb has started to fund the Taliban.

I will take it as a loyal BiDumb supporter you approve of the Taliban, funding the Taliban, and Taliban policies.

What do you tell your female relatives? Mot to worry if your guy Joe Budumb funds the Taliban, because they will never make it to America in their lifetime? Is that how you lie to them?

Anonymous said...

Steve Bannon Confirms His Involvement in January 6 Insurrection on 'War Room' Podcast

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides (10:02),

If that is so, the FBI would have got him for conspiracy.

Oh wait, the FBIO dropped all insurrection charges, because:

A) They overcharged on purpose
B) The could not prove it
C) They did not want their informants to be revealed and be cross examined

So try again. Reality is a tough motherfucker

Try this. Of the 18 so called Gov. Whitmer kidnappers 12 were government informants. Government informants who the FBO were told to destroy their texts. I mean it is not like we would want evidence or anything.

So when 2/3 rds of a conspiracy is government you have to wonder about Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. You have to wonder without those 12 if it would have gotten beyond 2 guys BS-ing at a bar and then going home and sleeping it off?

At least 1 of the 6 would have gone home and posted an anti-Trump rant.

Fred, I do not find you at all interesting, cleaver or knowledgeable.

Anonymous said...

Mitch McConnell Calls Trump 'a Fading Brand'

Anonymous said...

Most Republican voters do not give a rip what Mitch McConnel says. Mitch earned the nickname, The Turtle, and so if he say a disparaging thing about another Republican It is taken with a grain of salt.

Try again Lapides.

Anonymous said...

Jackson County District Court Judge Michael J. Klaeren dropped the terrorism charges for Joseph Morrison, 26, and Pete Musico, 43, both of Munith, Michigan, The Detroit News reported. He also denied a request from prosecutors to add the terrorism count to charges against Paul Bellar, 22, of Milford, Michigan.

The three men were ordered to stand trial on the remaining charges against them: providing material support for terrorist acts, gang membership and using a firearm during a felony.


"The defendants are joined at the hip here," Klaeren said before announcing his ruling. "The prosecution did a good job in establishing who knew what and when."

The threat of terrorism, providing material support for terrorist acts and gang membership charges each are 20-year felonies. Felony firearm charges carry two-year maximum prison sentences.

Anonymous said...

The three men were ordered to stand trial on the remaining charges against them: providing material support for terrorist acts, gang membership and using a firearm during a felon

Anonymous said...

Trumpworld Lawyers Charles Harder, Marc Kasowitz, Marc Mukasey, and Jay Sekulow Split as Storm Clouds Gather

Anonymous said...

And Fred goes crazy. I would not convict those men. I do not llike them, butI wiuyld not convict them. I have 2 reasons

1) Heisenberg


2) The FBI telling informants to erase their texts.

So, I have no disease an informant suggest a COA and badgered these men or not.

I have reason to believe that they were probably badgered like Randy Weaver. Some ATF agents wanted a sawed off shotgun. Randy sawed off part of the barrel. They said it was not enough. Randy said he could saw it off anymore due to the law. They badgered him (He should've walked away, but they already had him for time, mileage and other expenses, so he went against his better judgment.). We know how that ended.

Anonymous said...

"If Haiti, a God awful thing to say, if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot in terms of our interest,"

- Joe Biden 1994

Anonymous said...

I would...
I have reason to believe...
blah blah blah
dummy: the jury will decide and not you

Anonymous said...

You are either a low IQ person or trying to play silly games about Biden. Here is the full contest of the then senator Biden said about the assassination in Haiti and the possibility of Clinton invading:

Joe Biden Saying Haiti 'Doesn't Matter' in 1994 Clip Resurfaces After Moïse Assassination

that show in fact the wisdom of Biden and not, as you imply a total indifference. You will have to learn more when you get to high school about trying to trick people by fudging what they have said and meant. Now try citing Trump for Jan 6 and the insurrection he fomented.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Joe Biden couldn't remember the guy from the bible aka God referred to as "All men and women were created by the thing." I see Freds back to shit posting again. Poor Fred you really hate Donald. I think you need to see a therapist for DTS.

Anonymous said...

1:11 aka Stupid

The US Sun is British owned. It has the correct take on Joe's comment. Being British owned It is would not be as likely it is hyper-partisan like an American pub.

Like Obama said "don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f*** things up”

It is not some washed up, has-been magazine bought for $1 in August 2010 by a Democrat Party hack, Sidney Harman, who was married to former, retired Democrat U.S. House of Representatives from California's 36th district Jane Harman.

"The distinction between Bosnia and Haiti, for example. If, if, if some of us are right on Bosnia, that this ethnic cleansing has the potential to rear its ugly head in Ukraine in, in, in, in Belarus in the former Soviet Union, where they have major arsenals of nuclear weapons, where they have long histories of national wars, where ethnicity dominates, that is of phenomenal potential consequence to the United States," Biden said.
"If Haiti, a God awful thing to say, if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot in terms of our interest," he concluded.

Good God, even back in 1994 BiteMe showed signs of dementia.

So the take away is since Haiti is a small, non-nuclear, black country of 11 million, we should ignore it. Canada is a small, non-nuclear country. It only has 38 million people. Maybe we should ignore it also.

God you (11:11) are fucking stupid.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would...
I have reason to believe...
blah blah blah

People read the comments to see other people's opinions. They look for erudite opinions, but they are looking for opinions especially for one with angles they have not considered.

They are not looking for article copy and paste by a person, who never do a thing in their whole life.

Anonymous said...

Are you the new site intern? not sure what you
mean by "never do a thing in their whole life," since just yesterday I had dinner, two beers, and watched tv

do you consider your rant here a comment that gives opinions on angles not yet considered?
You will discover that it is not at all unusual for a writer, teacher, citizen to post from an article to "give opinions not considered."

Now consider this, for a state that Trump won
Trump demands Abbott back election audit in Texas | TheHill

Can you now give your opinion on that move?

Anonymous said...

Turning food into hazardous waste and watching the boob tube does not constitute having done anything.

Anonymous said...

writer, teacher, citizen

You've written a whole 2 books. Considering your profession that is underwhelming. The Casebook was de rigueur for the time you published it. You talk about it; I live it.