Wednesday, September 22, 2021

U.S. Border Crisis Worsens. Most Haitian Migrants Are Being Freed Rather Than Flown Back To Haiti As Claimed By The White House


Daily Mail: Catch and release: Biden makes mockery of his pledge to send home Haitian migrants by RELEASING thousands into America with just 1,000 deported since Sunday. So why should they stop coming? 

* Two US officials said thousands have been released into the US with notices to appear at an immigration court in 60 days' time 

* Others who camped out in Del Rio, Texas, have been sent on buses and planes to other parts of the US to be processed there, they said 

* The reality on the ground is drastically at odds with the public statements from the Biden administration 

* The official line is that migrants are being expelled from the US back to the Haiti on deportation flights 

* DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insisted Tuesday the borders are now 'closed' to migrants 

* At the peak, there were around 14,600 migrants in Del Rio. On Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbott said 8,600 remained in the town, with 1,083 flown back to Haiti since Sunday 

* Seven deportation flights have been scheduled to take people back to Haiti on Wednesday 

Thousands of Haitian migrants are being freed into the US on a 'very, very large scale' rather than being flown out on deportation flights as the Biden administration promised, according to officials. 

Two US officials with knowledge of the situation in Del Rio - where a peak of around 14,600 mostly Haitian migrants were camped out under a bridge at the weekend after crossing into the US from Mexico - said thousands have been released into the US with notices to appear at an immigration court in 60 days' time under the so-called 'catch and release' scheme. 

Others have been sent on buses and planes to other parts of the US to be processed by Border Patrol agents there, they said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It seems the administration is more focused on this .... Harris 'deeply troubled' by images of Border Patrol agents on horseback blocking migrants, agents respond (FOX News).  

Update: The Border Patrol is responding to Vice President Harris .... Furious mounted Texas Border agents deny they are whipping migrants and accuse Biden administration of fueling outrage to deflect their failings (Daily Mail). 

 More News On The U.S. Border Crisis  

Many Haitian migrants in Texas border town of Del Rio being released into U.S.: report -- CBS  

Thousands of Haitian migrants camped in Texas town being let into US, report says -- FOX News  

Haitian migrants revolt in custody and seize control of privately contracted bus -- Washington Examiner 

Texas governor approves miles-long steel barrier of police vehicles to deter the more than 8,000 migrants in Del Rio -- CNN  

Biden slips into political quicksand amid Haitian migrant buildup -- Politico


  1. Honesty? Is that an English word? How do you spell it?

    8 years of obamma.

  2. Biden and his whole staff are assholes. So are the people, who voted for him. Double for those who stuffed the ballot box.

  3. "Biden’s Iowa job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump’s worst showing, which was 35 percent approval in late 2017.

    Only 35 percent of Hispanic voters in Texas are happy with Biden’s performance, while 54 percent either disapproved or strongly disapproved."

  4. and in lNewtown, Mass, four people also said they did not approve of Biden. So, too, 20 people in Atlanta, Georgia. As Iowa goes, so goes the universe

  5. The Iowa Poll is a bellweather. It has a good track record. Iowa has good mix of farm and industrial, so it is very representative.

    Besides more info was just given Iowa. Texas was also given. If the Democrats lose the Hispanics and it is game over for the thieving Democrats politicians.

  6. Hell on earth thanks 2 all government fool's

  7. There (2:02) is the, when the chips are down for your political party, the pass blame equally to everyone.

    If it is everyone's fault then it is no one's fault and that is what 2:02 is counting on.

    1. The fun part is watching 2:02 behave, he really thinks no one knows who he is!

  8. As Trumjpster said when he won: the polls are worthless. Wait for the results. That is what counts.

    anon whatever: who cares if you know who I am?
    now back under your rock

    1. See, I told you. Liars can't hide!

  9. Boy 2:02 or whoever it is sure whines alot!

  10. yo, retard. don't like whining? don't read and keep wanking

    1. Nope whining doesn't bother me just noticed you do it alot.

  11. as we say in the army: tough titty

    here is your nutty main man, other than orange dope:

    Michael Flynn: The 'Deep State' is plotting to spike your salad dressing with the COVID vaccine

  12. The army!!! You were a patch cord ranger REMF.

  13. His ex-student said he never like this, rather he was always very "sweet"!

  14. So 2:02 sounds a lit like X and G. 3:12, 3:49, 4:18, ... comes to 2:02's defense.

    So this dude has at least 4ir 5 gmail accounts plus over 2 or 3 dozen anon monikers. Dude is a piece of work.
