Friday, September 24, 2021

Will U.S. Democrats Lose Majority Control Of The Senate And House Of Representatives Next Year?

President Biden  

NBC: Biden's sinking poll numbers threaten Democrats' razor-thin majority one year out 

WASHINGTON — The 2022 midterms are still more than a year away, but President Biden’s political standing is already in dangerous territory for his party. 

A Gallup poll this week had Biden’s approval rating at 43 percent. 

Pew had him at 44 percent. 

And most other polls this month — though not all of them — also show the president underwater. 

Using Gallup’s historical numbers, that’s worse than Barack Obama’s standing in all of 2009 and much of 2010, when Democrats lost the U.S. House in a midterm shellacking. 

It’s slightly better than Donald Trump’s in 2017, before the GOP would also lose the House that next year. 

And it’s about the same trajectory as Bill Clinton’s in his first year of his presidency. And in case you forget how the 1994 midterms fared for the Democrats, yep, they lost control of Congress. 

 Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The last two months have been a political mess/disaster for the Biden administration. 

Afghanistan/crime/inflation/border/diplomatic spats with longtime allies/uncontrollable spending and debt/etc. .... this is not a winning resume. 

Fortunately for the Democrats a lot can happen between now and next year's midterm elections, But they need a win right now, and quickly.


Anonymous said...

More videos leaking from Australia amid media blackout and internet shutdowns, Facebook instructed by government to stop live streams of demonstrations

B.Poster said...

They have an "ace in the hole." Simply steal the election the way they did the 2020 presidential election and the GA Senate races. Since the courts are deathly afraid of the leadership class and their BLM and ANTIFA storm troopers that won't be to hard as long the election is relatively close.

COVID-19 and the government response made an election close that wouldn't have been close otherwise. As to what will happen next, stay tuned!! Afghanistan isn't a big ticket item to most Americans. The current soft economy, Inflation, and the invading force on the southern border are huge factors. Unfortunately about 45% of the US population is hardwired Democrat and will vote that way no matter what. How can they be educated?

The Democrats can achieve a "win" quite quickly. End Cold War 2 with Russia that they went our of their way to start for no good reason and withdraw support for the chump Ukrainian government. Russia has it's own issues with China. Who knows they might even help us. If not, ending this needless conflict that our leadership class went out of its way to start and inflame has huge upside potential and no downside risks

Anonymous said...

It's not/as bad/as you make/ it out to be.

Anonymous said...

Frickin Vaudeville. Quick, put the diversion act on stage! Who've we got booked?