Thursday, December 30, 2021

Is President Biden's Failure To Contain Covid Destroying Him Politically?

Zero Hedge: COVID 'Blood On His Hands': Biden 'Kills' More Americans Than Trump 

"We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science - not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency," Biden said in February 2020. 

President Biden may not recall what he said during a 2020 campaign debate last fall, but Americans should:  

“Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” 

At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths. 

 “If the president had done his job, had done his job from the beginning, all the people would still be alive,” Mr. Biden said last fall.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Zero Hedge is blunt with the following comment on why President Biden's poll numbers are at levels not seen in modern US Presidential polling .... Mr. Biden used the illusion he could vanquish the virus to win election, and he is now paying a political price because he hasn’t. 

My take is different. 

President Biden and his supporters used the pandemic to sell to the American people that if elected they would do a better job in containing it. And I think in their arrogance they actually believed that they could. They certainly convinced tens of millions of Americans that they would.

But they failed, and that failure is still playing out even though the White House and their media supporters are now trying to shift the blame to the Governors.

Good luck on that.

Truth be told. Nature cannot be contained. History has shown that pandemics take time to burn themselves out, and mankind plays a minor role in stopping it. 

This is what is happening now. 

The pandemic will end this year (or next). And it will end not because of any policy or executive action that the Biden administration has implemented. Or any other government in the world for that matter.

As for the political cost to President Biden and the Democrat party. With the exception of a few die-hard Biden supporters, I have never seen this overwhelming dislike for a US President among my American friends, contacts, and readers of this blog.


  1. Biden won by fraud, Americans got conned. People feel hate for the person who did the con.
    Independents have warmed to the accusation Biden won by fraud and that means nearly all Republicans plus growing independents give Biden pure contempt.

    It’s the fraud that has poisoned the Biden administration. Now the incompetence is cutting off the oxygen to the Democratic Party.

  2. It will be interesting this year. I predict the demorats will go flying into the ground at warp speed.

  3. Talk of "American Divorce" & civil war in the air. Has the Democratic party, CNN, MSNBC & the never Trumpets fatally wounded the USA with their rampant corruption? Has China played a blinder for the last few decades destroying the USA from within by infiltrating the political, news & educational establishments? Will the USA survive in its current form or break up like the USSR? Keep ducking 🙉
