Monday, February 28, 2022

War Propaganda About Ukraine Is Growing

Glenn Greenwald: War Propaganda About Ukraine Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless 

Every useful or pleasing claim about the war, no matter how unverified or subsequently debunked, rapidly spreads, while dissenters are vilified as traitors or Kremlin agents. In the weeks leading up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, those warning of the possible dangers of U.S. involvement were assured that such concerns were baseless. The prevailing line insisted that nobody in Washington is even considering let alone advocating that the U.S. become militarily involved in a conflict with Russia. That the concern was based not on the belief that the U.S. would actively seek such a war, but rather on the oft-unintended consequences of being swamped with war propaganda and the high levels of tribalism, jingoism and emotionalism that accompany it, was ignored. It did not matter how many wars one could point to in history that began unintentionally, with unchecked, dangerous tensions spiraling out of control. Anyone warning of this obviously dangerous possibility was met with the “straw man” cliché: you are arguing against a position that literally nobody in D.C. is defending.  

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I grew up in a place where I was exposed to Soviet Propaganda all the time. Growing up and exposed to lies most of the time does help a person to develop a healthy skepticism on what the mainstream media and leaders says. 

But wars bring out the worse in people, and we are seeing it play-out in Russian and Ukrainian media, and in the Western press. Case in point .... Ukraine troops feared dead after cussing out invading Russians still alive, navy says (UPI). 

It is a long read. But the above post by Glenn Greenwald provides a good analysis on how the propaganda machine is being used in the Russia-Ukraine war.


  1. "Russian Space Chief Threatens to Crash International Space Station into U.S. or Europe"

    That is about the time Russia gets nuked back to the Cretaceous.

  2. many people don't understand the concept of second strike.

    there have been lunatics both in west and Russia talking about first ones

  3. I've seen a disturbing number of sadistic social media posts regarding the fate of Russian soldiers. One was a photo of a burned out T-90 and someone had asked about the fate of the crew. A commenter said that hopefully their fate was "crispy and fried and in need of marinade". It's shocking to see how quickly people celebrate death and suffering. One can whole heartedly support Ukraine in this war while also lamenting the loss of life on both sides, after all, whoever died in that tank was almost certainly a group of young Russian men with no stake in the Ukraine war and no say on where they are going to go and fight.

    Dehumanizing the enemy is an obstruction to peace now and in the future; hate the war, hate its architects, but if Putin is your devil, recognize that the Russian soldiers dying in Ukraine are also victims of his decisions just as are the Ukrainians. There are no deaths worth celebrating here as far as I'm concerned, but observers are out for blood and vengeance and it's just getting started.

  4. Caecus, there is a little thing called a TRIAD. We know about second strikes. I trust you had a point however small.

  5. How soon we forgot the toilet paper shortage hysteria...

  6. Speaking of toilet paper I'm out of it.

  7. Dehumanizing happens all the time outside of war.

  8. I saw this willfully ignorant, crying man child on television earlier today spouting this dangerous crap to a wide eyed, nodding wolf blitzer. It was something.

  9. WNU editor, can your aunt in Kharkiv can confirm of "dozen and dozen of russian soldier killed and lie on the streets of the city" as italian journal La Repubblica wrote yesterday?
    With so many old and videogames video pretend to be actual war video, and war report with helmets cover in fear when in the back people walk normally, Italian massmedia are simply garbage.
