Sunday, December 18, 2022

Attacks On U.S. Churches Nearly Triple In 4 Years

Daily Signal: ‘An Atmosphere of Lawlessness’: Attacks on Churches Nearly Triple in 4 Years, New Report Finds 

A Christian leader has blasted the Biden administration for “creating an atmosphere of lawlessness” by ignoring attacks on churches and houses of worship nationwide, which have nearly tripled over the last four years, according to a startling new report. 

These assaults ranged from deadly to defacing, covered every region of the country and denominational background, and often sprang from pro-abortion domestic terrorism or other forms of left-wing enmity against biblical morality. 

Offenders committed at least 420 acts of hostility against 397 separate churches in the United States between January 2018 and September 2022. These cases include everything from arson and gun-related violence to vandalism and bomb threats, the copiously documented, 84-page report specifies.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The White House has responded to some church attacks .... White House condemns church arson, vandalism as violence soars following Dobbs decision (FOX News). But this is an exception and not the rule. Most attacks Like this one are ignored by the press and politicians .... Church Attacks Continue (Dr. James Dobson). 

The fire-bombing of the Historic St. John’s Church near the White House in June 2020 is what sticks out for me (link here). 

Update: Churches in Canada have also been attacked .... UPDATE: A map of the 68 churches that have been vandalized or burned since the residential schools announcement (True North).


  1. 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 2 Timothy 3:1-5

  2. B....But white supremacy and nationalism is the nations biggest threat! Look at all the evidence somewhere!! Not the censorious domestic Nazi terrorists in BLM/ANTIFA/Anarchists that have caused billions in damage, thousands of casualties nation wide, and terrorized society the past few years. Communism and self idolatry is the religion of the left, and they have made it clear countless times that White people and Christianity are their primary target but Islam and LQBTQRSTUVWXYZism represent the best of American values. The leader of ISIS was an "astute religious scholar" and Britanny Griner is a "leading example for millions of Americans" so lets trade her for the worlds most notorious gun dealer while also demanding that everyone believe democrats champion gun safety and are worried about gun violence.

    Fuck you racist leftist Un-American shitbags.

  3. matthew: it is the hate and cursing you use while you seem to call for tolerance and peacefulness.
    Our is a nation of violence, from our earliest days
    Who are the perps? how about Oath Keepers et al who tried to stop a legal election from taking place. That attempt to overthrow the election is the biggest blight we have had since the Civil War and it will be long known in history books. Start with that. And then tell us about guns and our nation.
    for you to blame one side is ignorant and dangerous. Trump follower will soon see the chickens come home to roost.

  4. 1:46

    I never called for tolerance and peace. I dont currently believe that at all, and actually believe the opposite these days. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". All the sudden the right is waking up and noticing they are losing the country to those who have been calling for uprisings, riots, reverse racism, reparations, social marxism, anti americanism, child fuckery etc. for decades and you say that NOW one sided ingorance is getting dangerous? To republicans?! The BLM and ANTFIA riots were far worse in every respect than JAN 6th. No it wasnt that big of a deal, it just looked bad and did nothing to stop the democratic process as desperate as people like you are to believe it. You idiots needed "just something" after your nation-wide summer of death and destruction that was the worst thing to happen in recent American history so that you can argue via whataboutism at best. I am not a big fan of trump because I am "right leaning" you linear thinking dipshit. And about the guns and the nations resolve: yes the chickens are coming home to roost and we have got most of the guns, and the will to fight.....and youve got a bunch of purple haired sewer rat degenerates who cant even get gender right and cant even think straight at any given moment. I blame republicans for not having a spine and hitting below the belt like democrast have done for years and losing the country to the worst amongst the rest of us.

  5. The Proud Boys the organization with the 8 FBI informants?

    The FBI who0 has not arrested Ray Epps who induced people to enter the capitol building?

    The Capital police who waved people into the building?

    The only people killed that day were pummeled or shot to death by the Capitol Police.

    The FBI who continually cosplay as Patriot Front. Patriot Front is supposed to be white males and the FIB dresses up a white female, white male and black male in Patriot Front colors and reports on it.

    And there 1:46 goes ignoring the 6mpnth siege of the Federal building in Portland. Law enforcement had lasers shined in their eyes by good Democrat party Shock troops. that is permanent eye damage bro. but you are silent.

    Over the next two years San Francisco will have a 746 million dollar shortfall due to the riots caused by George Floyd protesters. San Francisco will not survive it without bankruptcy or a bailout. It is is bailed out, it will be the US government using Chinese money.

    75% of what the FBI does nowadays is illegal or wrong. The FBI is falsifying reports on time spent on projects. What this means is that the FBI will know what the leader of the Proud boys ate, when he used the men's room and t6he weight of his turd. But the FBI will be blindsided by Islamic terrorists.

    I have filled out time sheets and had to account for my time and list hours from appropriated and non-appropriated accounting lines. the FBI does the same thing and a lit their employees are lying or are told to lie. Or their SES's are changing the numbers.

    It takes 2 to fight, but often one side legitimately gets most of the blame. What has got your knickers in an uproar is that side is your side.

    Change your knickers darling

  6. I do not like it but I have to agree with Matthew and Mr 6:19.

    It is sick , But the historical facts back sup what they say. Just about every patriot group in the USA and the extremist right is infiltrated b FBI agents or paid off informants. Loo what happened in Oregon at the MWR siege and aftermath, The Michigan governess kidnaping plot, Jan 6 Riot and more. Besides using informants and co-opting these groups the FBI is using Polish Communist ZOMO tactics.

    It has been stated on this blog before that the west is turning evil. How many cathedrals the US built in the last 50 years? And this is just one sign of degeneration. You all have seen what has happened and it is not getting better.

    If the US is turning into a putrid slag embodiment of evil, what should we do? I look at it this way. What ever the US Government calls "good" I automatically suspect it is evil.

    And I then do an investigation and intel analysis with the tools available to me. If my suspicions are validated, I work to oppose that policy or initiative.

    Good luck to you on your journey. God Bless you , keep you and Protect you and your family now and in the future.

  7. Thst bunch tried to change election results
    All the bs does not alter the fact of treason and they plead guilty
    They tried to desrroy democracy
    Now i have much i do not like about fbi but it was bot the fbi that did whst those traitors did
    Guilty guilty guilty
    And all the tap dancing you do does not change that fact

  8. 9:15 That comment was just shitty in every way haha. Damn.

  9. Forgive me, but....Bull shit. The whole Jan 6 is BS. it was a riot and that's all.

  10. "Guilty guilty guilty"

    Some one is channeling Freddie L pretty hard.

  11. Looks like the will of god

  12. People will seriously look at this ill society and then turn 90 degrees to proudly declare that it's going to win the civilizational war of the 21st century, and that it should.
