Sunday, December 18, 2022

Henry Kissinger Says Its Time For A Negotiated Peace In Ukraine

Henry Kissinger  

Henry Kissinger, The Spectator: How to avoid another world war 

The first world war was a kind of cultural suicide that destroyed Europe’s eminence. Europe’s leaders sleepwalked – in the phrase of historian Christopher Clark – into a conflict which none of them would have entered had they foreseen the world at war’s end in 1918. In the previous decades, they had expressed their rivalries by creating two sets of alliances whose strategies had become linked by their respective schedules for mobilisation. As a result, in 1914, the murder of the Austrian Crown Prince in Sarajevo, Bosnia by a Serb nationalist was allowed to escalate into a general war that began when Germany executed its all-purpose plan to defeat France by attacking neutral Belgium at the other end of Europe. 

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Update #1: It’s time for a negotiated peace in Ukraine, Kissinger says (CNBC/Reuters)  

Update #2: Kissinger: It's Time For Negotiated Peace In Ukraine To Avoid World War (Zero Hedge)  

Update #3: Kissinger says it’s time to resolve conflict in Ukraine through talks (TASS)  

WNU Editor: The critics are speaking out:


  1. Kissinger just needs to fade away and leave us all alone.

  2. I, for one, react with warmth of feeling for the old school diplomat sounding off upon modern events--perhaps the most authoritative Western voice calling for Realpolitik in our time.

  3. Yes, and that means Zelensky has got to go
