Saturday, December 3, 2022

Can Ukraine Pay For Its War Effort?

WNU Editor: The AP raises a good question, but does not give an answer .... EXPLAINER: Can Ukraine pay for war without wrecking economy? (AP). 

This AP article outlines what Kyiv and its allies are doing, but it is obvious that without Western aid Ukraine's financial house of cards will collapse. 

I know this to be true from my own personal case. All of my relatives in Ukraine are now dependent on me for a remittance to survive. And they are the lucky ones. 

The official inflation rate is around 25%, but they tell me that for the basics like food and fuel prices have more than doubled. 

Before the war Ukraine was already having problems paying the loans and debts that it has accumulated since 2014. Ukraine is certainly not going to be able to pay-off the debt that it has accumulated since the start of the war, and it certainly does not have the resources to rebuild the country when the war is over. 

What is also ominous is that all of Ukraine's youth know this. Even if the war should end today, they have no desire to stay in a broken country that will take generations of hardship to pay-off its debts and rebuild the country. Everyone under 30 that I know in Ukraine have either left the country, or will (in the case of the men) when the conflict is over.


  1. Ah gee, war will wreck the economy. Cry me a FUCKING RIVER WHY DON'T YOU!

    A country that is 3 times bigger in population attacks you and , you expect economic indicators will be "all systems normal"?

    It seems like concern trolling.

    First shoe to drop is the concern trolling.

    Second shoe to drop is "give up now and give Russia what it wants"

    It could be worse. The children could grow up as pygmies. I have seen such pictures.

    Pepel should be more concerned with the coming dismemberment of Russia. It is coming.

  2. Nope ain't going to happen.

    Have you not read the posts from both sides?

    This is a fight of two implacable enemies.

    Western Degenerate culture and Russian conservative culture.
    It is a fight to the death and both populations support their respective governments

    It will go beyond the Ukraine.

    The economies will suffer. Ukraine has taken the brunt of economic destruction and will continue to be
    de-industrialized by this conflict.

    And yes you should shed tears. But I bet you don't, in you nice warm house with all the amenities within easy reach.

    It is too bad you cannot be transported into the middle of that hell and suffer. Maybe you would find some empathy in that sour crap soul you have.

  3. Polygamy is conservative culture?

  4. What's with the assholes here who love this war telling people who criticize it to go fight it for them? That's your job son.

  5. Russian keyboard warriors sure luv themselves some ethnic Mongolian and Turkish citizens of Russia to fight for Russia instead of an ethnic Russian
