Friday, December 2, 2022

Russian Foreign Minister Says NATO Directly Involved In Ukraine War

Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov.(REUTERS)  

Euronews: Russian Foreign Minister accused US, NATO of direct involvement in Ukraine war 

Russia’s foreign minister on Thursday accused the West of becoming directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine by supplying it with weapons and training its soldiers. 

Sergei Lavrov also said that Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities and other key infrastructure that have left millions without power, heating and water were intended to weaken Ukraine’s military potential and derail the shipments of Western weapons.

“You shouldn't say that the US and NATO aren’t taking part in this war, you are directly participating in it,” Lavrov said in a video call with reporters.   

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Russian public knows that they are in an undeclared war against NATO. I know that NATO and Russia are now in an undeclared war. Most readers of this blog also know that both sides are now in an undeclared war. 

But do most Europeans feel this way? Do most Canadians and North Americans feel this way? 

I cannot speak for Europe, but I know that in Canada and the U.S. the public is clueless on what is happening. 

Russian Foreign Minister: NATO Directly Involved In Ukraine War  

Russian FM: US, NATO directly involved in Ukraine conflict -- AP  

Russia accuses US of 'direct' participation in Ukraine war, but Lavrov open to talks -- FOX News  

Russia Now Says US & NATO "Directly Participating" In Ukraine War -- Zero Hedge 

US poses existential threat to Russia, says Putin’s leading diplomat -- The Independent


  1. It's hardly an undeclared war, when you see abrams, Leo 2, F16 piloted by mercs , tomahawks then it's a war

    1. Right, Let them play their drama.

  2. a) The MSM keeps people ignorant
    b) People want to be ignorant
    c) People have so much to deal with locally that they are purposefully ignorant or -purposefully ignore things
    d) People mostly only care about themselves. They ain't being drafted so...
    e) all of the above

  3. LOL Little Green Men having a cry..

    1. You are right, they can hide it but it is obvious

  4. The current main story in the British establishment media is about an 84 year old deaf lady who works at Buckingham Palace being set up in a race baiting row by a black activist. It's looking increasingly likely that we're living in a world designed by a God named Mel Brooks. Keep ducking....

  5. You mistake when you suggest that Americans do not know we are in an undeclared war. Perhaps some do. Perhaps some do not. My friends have long known that we are involved to stop an aggressive nation's attack upon a country and that we are supporting that invaded country with a tremendous amount of aid, and in so doing, we have brought together both political parties to stop this Russian aggression.

  6. 9:03 thanks for the laugh. There is no unity in this country. Our aid has prolonged this war to a point that is no longer sustainable. We're out of our league now, we don't nor does NATO have the industrial capacity to maintain the ammo supplies necessary. Not too mention Ukrainian casualties supposedly eclipse ours in Vietnam and they're reaching the breaking point. This is a fucking disaster and it has to stop

  7. 9:03 is broadcasting from his GS-3 cubicle in Herndon, Langley of Nellis or maybe FT Gordon.

    Let us re-do his comment.

    Anyone with a discerning brain has filtered thru the propaganda and long known that the West has fomented this war and are using the Ukrainians as puppets.

    Our leaders did this to destabilize Eastern Europe, drive a wedge between the Russians and their neighbors and ensure Europe is economically chained to the United States.

    Our leadership will continue to give the Ukrainians aid as long as they are not touched by this war.

    We also have long known that our leaders are pathetic self-serving jerks who are now responsible for old people dying in the freezing darkness and little kids going without food in the harshest of conditions.

    We also realize that our leaders do not care and would do the same thing to us if they found it suited their interests.

    There.... that fits the reality of this abominable mess.

  8. "we have brought together both political parties "

    ^^^ False statement

    " Our aid has prolonged this war to a point that is no longer sustainable."

    ^^^ False statement

    Russia is the one that is breaking

    Leadership: Mobilizing Madness, Misery, Mayhem And Mutiny

    "The bad news included the results of the initial (February) Russian invasion of Ukraine by over nearly 200,000 Russian troops. This was over half the army active-duty strength."

    - Russia might be gaining Bakhmut
    - Kreminna might be losing Kreminna.

    - Russia lost Western Kherson and so has to dig in and fortify eastern Kherson. but it has to move troops from eastern Kherson to shore up Zaporizhzhia

    Look like a log jam is breaking.

    There have been comments at another site that seems to lack trolls that the Russians are calling it a day.

    We shall see.

  9. Kreminna

    more dying on the vine

    more mobiks left out to dry.

  10. utter nonsense. who invaded Ukraine?
    To blame the US or those other nations helping Ukraine is either trolling or plain dumb. Poland took in thousands of refugees from Ukraine. Why? what brought about the flight of so many innocents?
    who has kidnapped children and shipped them to inner Russia, to be raised as Russians? The nazis did this with Polish children.
    The US helped the Brits with aid before we too entered WWII. And that was good. We are helping Ukraine against an invading army led by a dictator. good for us.

  11. To establish an argument or premise on a single historical item is non sequitur.

    who invaded Ukraine?

    The above statement focuses only on 1 part of the problem and shows a blinding neglect of historical events that preceded the invasion.

    Let's put it another way.

    Do the Russians or any other nation have the right to defend themselves againts an encroaching threat.

    Yes or No?
    If no then:
    Did the Americans have a right to invade Grenada or blockade Cuba.
    Did the West have a right to invade Afghanistan?

    The USA conducted these operations due to a perceived threat.

    So the Russians do not have the same right?

    Defend your premise...Why did the Russians invade the Ukraine?
    Was it justified?
    Did The US and its allies negotiate in good faith with the Russians in dealing with Russian concerns?
    Did The Ukrainians antagonize the Russians in any way to provoke / force the Russians to act?

    Did the West try and defuse the situation?

    The Russians did not just wake up one day and say, "Lets start an invasion"

    So your premise of "The Russians invaded" is invalid. It explains nothing.

    Your other statements have nothing to do with the current war. The Nazi invasion was over 60 years ago and has very little to do with this situation

    Refugees in Poland...this statement too has really nothing to do with the situation. There have always been refugees in war. They are a symptom of war not a causation.

    And no we are not dumb or trolls. We just do our research. We have to do our research because we have been lied to so many times by the MSM and western governments that we no longer believe them..

    And the facts bear out:

    that the collective powers in the West are still lying and will continue to lie about the situation in Europe.

    utter not in any way

  12. Hah!! Russia is not breaking.

  13. Still has the same borders or slightly bigger, but not breaking. It is merely being hollowed out. Hollowed out is different than breaking ha ha.

    One reason given for the Fall of the Assyrian Empire was man power exhaustion.

    if your casualties or less than the other guy, you generally do not cede ground.

    Russsia is ceding ground. It is getting the FUCK beaten out of it and it is Putin's fault.

  14. Ukraines casualties dwarf Russia.. some estimates 10:1


  16. Russia invaded Ukraine. Deny that. The Reason? give it to us, please. And if there is a problem, why not go to UN?
    an invasion of a country is an invasion. period. If Russia "justified," tell us how and why.

  17. If the members of Congress from both parties approve of the aid being sent to Ukraine, then there is an agreement about an American response. Show us that the GOP and the Dems do not agree on aid to Ukraine. Your response?

  18. "In March, the Senate successfully passed a $1.5 trillion appropriations package—which included $13.6 billion in emergency funds for Ukraine—but the legislation did not have the support of 31 Republican senators and 57 GOP representatives."


    27% of House Republicans voted against. there would be more, but I suspect the usual leverage that majority and minority leaders have. That is they will squeeze out districts form funding or deny member seats on committees.

    Plus there is the fact that Putin is an unlovable prick who stated a war of aggression so it is hard to vote against aid.

  19. 9:05
    is Russian troll, little brother to
    Poster, who is bein reeducated in Siberia.

  20. Russia is an axis nation. Everybody knows that.

  21. Yes. Slava Ukraine!!!

    Russia is the king of trolls. all who deny the Ukrainian righteous are racist, white supreamist deluded puppets!!!

    Their crimes agains humanity and the world are unforgivable.

  22. WNE --- Canadians are fucking clueless about everything except going to the woods so no surprise they know nothing about Ukraine, Orcland or what's going on even in their own back garden when a skunk has deposited a pile of shit.

  23. YEP you guys are nuts

  24. YEP you guys are nuts
