Saturday, December 17, 2022

CIA Director Bill Burns Discusses The Russia - Ukraine War And The Intelligence Challenges That Are Posed By China


WNU editor: A rare interview with the CIA Director. 

He says the tempo of the Russia - Ukraine war is lessening. I disagree. The casualties that are being reported show there is no lessening of the tempo. 

CIA Director Burns' assessment on the Russian economy and Russian public support for the war is contrary to what I am hearing or seeing in Russia.

CIA Director Burns is also underestimating the Russia - China alliance.


  1. Somehow l think the Intel that a CIA director is privy to is far more accurate than wnu talking to his cousin 🤔

  2. fazman, the retard who defended tyranny from australia to new zealand and canada, when the terror was spread by the government, when they took your rights and properties, FAZMAN was there to defend the tyranny, the censorship, the lies and outright mass murder.

    So, yes, I trust wnu far more than anyone on the CIA "intel" community and the side fazman is on.

    Any time of the day.
    CIA is a cabal of terrorists by now. Threatening law abiding citizens, spying on them, enabling turn key totalitarianism, subverting the constitution.

    Gotta be a big big moron to side with the CIA these days.. for all we know they helped kill Kennedy. They certainly didn't protect him, nor us when 9/11 happened and our rights were taken, bit by bit. Nor when covid happened. They sat by, made things worse.

    You defend THEM?


    1. Yes, but the arguments work just as well without the ad hominem. (Even though he does it to WNU like an idiot.)

  3. 4:41 ditto! CIA is totally untrustworthy.. not too mention highly flawed

  4. you are fucking flawed

    1. as are we all. Lol.
      Who the hell supports the CIA?

  5. Fazman is not a bad guy, He is just misinformed.

    Listen Fazzy ole buddy. When intel gets to that level is has been so shifted thru and watered down that many times it automatically suspect.

    The other factor involved is that the Director of CIA is a liar. Not that I am being pejorative here, it is just the truth. They lie all the time, it is part of the job. So you really do not know when they are telling the truth.

    BTW Fazzy

    You really did not support those stupid lock downs in Aussie land did you? If you did, you realize now that those lock downs were ineffective, yes?????( look at Sweden)

    Lesson to be learned..

    .Remember who told you lock downs were good.

    Remember those, in word and deed, who persecuted the people who refused to comply

    And never believe them again. tomorrow.... if they say the sky is better go out and check

  6. Yep. He is obviously lying. Honestly, that's probably a big part of his job. Go on state TV and lie, lie, lie.

  7. the all-knowing anti- CIA folks here distrust all three letter outfits but sure trust Donald Straightshooter Trump.
    Chickens coming home to roost very soon.
    Fazman too clever for the twits that badmouth him.

  8. Lol I'm flawed. How can anyone in their right mind trust anything from the CIA or said establishment. For starters as an organization they can't get their shit straight, and even if they do the administration will disregard any logical reasoning. Nothing good is being done to benefit this country and frankly barring a miracle we're probably going to suffer for some time. Lol the fuckin CIA... cause this country is full of patriotic intellectuals who know right from wrong 🤣

  9. One real comment, which was Fazman's comment. I am not stating that Fazman is right or wrong.

    The other comments are 3rd shift or maybe 1st shift in Moscow. Those comments just don't go with the ebb and flow or what is normal. There are too any tells. Guys at DHS are laughing their asses off at you. You should get AI software to troll. It would work better.

  10. every group, every three-letter organization is bad bad bad
    and we would be better off without any of them, right?
    and so no intel, no FBI, no cyber defense and on and on
    But you can take care of the needs of the nation, right?
    explain how, please

  11. None of them have proven trustworthy. There is no answer. Honestly I think alot of people are going to die. You keep on with your blind faith

  12. I have blind faith (not so)
    You dislike them all
    how will you change anything other than leaving the nation if you live here? you won't. you will simply whine about it. Those outfits where here under both parties.

  13. Exclusive An intel analyst tried to prevent the Jan. 6 attack — but DHS failed to act
    ok. Investigate why DHS failed to act and fire those in charge if they are still in charge. Would you prefer that Jan 6 insurectiodnists could do what they intended?

  14. Go where? Can't afford my own island. Just taking care of myself and we'll see. But it's pretty sad where humanity is at this point. No morals, no decency, no class. Most of the decent Just get shut down. And dude... the U.S. has just gone downhill. Just sad.

  15. Security was pretty lax Jan. 6th. Pretty pathetic for a leading nation

    1. Plus obvious antifa-ish instigators, Assorted loco redhats, many naive red hats, and Wolves in Sheep's clothing.
      Lack of security seemed tailored to cause DJT further embarrassment.
      Plus, Mike Pence is a pussy.

  16. who was the top person running the nation on Jan 6th? those folks who seemed to have failed at their jobs were headed by Trump appointees.

    1. okay but the Mayor of DC, etc could have been at cross purposes to DJT
