Friday, December 16, 2022

Is Ukraine's Top General Valerii Zaluzhnyi Being Positioned To Replace Ukrainian President Zelensky?

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi attends a meeting with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in Kyiv, Ukraine, on April 24, 2022. Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via REUTERS  

Ukrayinska Pravda: We must and can fight this enemy to the bitter end Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief 

Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is convinced that Ukraine must and can fight such an enemy as Russia "to the bitter end". 

Source: Zaluzhnyi in conversation with Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, as reported by Zaluzhnyi’s Telegram channel 

Quote: "I shared with General Milley my main conclusion concerning the active war with Russia: it is not only necessary but also entirely possible to fight such an enemy to the bitter end." 

Details: Zaluzhnyi also noted that during the conversation he raised the issue of providing the defence forces of Ukraine with the weapons, munitions and military equipment they need to halt the full-scale Russian aggression.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine General Valerii Zaluzhnyi's and Ukraine President Zelesky were recently interviewed together by the Economist .... Volodymyr Zelensky and his generals explain why the war hangs in the balance (Economist). Ukrainian President Zelensky said nothing new, but Ukraine General Valerii Zaluzhnyi did, and what he said was eye-opening. This interview is under a paywall, but the details on what was said are here .... What Ukraine's Military Leadership Is Saying (December 15, 2022). 

Bottom line. 

General Valerii Zaluzhnyi dominated the interview, and he was very blunt in his assessment on the war. In a nutshell he was saying that if Ukraine does not get the military supplies and equipment that they need to win this war, they do not have a chance to match the resources and manpower that Russia is prepared to throw into the conflict in the coming months. And while he did not say Ukraine will lose, in a way he was saying that Ukraine will lose.

What also caught my eye is that General Zaluzhnyi also referenced former Finnish leader Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim. He was the Finnish General who negotiated the surrender to the Soviet Union in the 1940 war when it became clear that the Finnish Army could not match the resources that the Soviet Union was throwing into the war. He was also the General who became President and was the one who signed a peace treaty with the Soviet Union after the Second World War that guaranteed Finland's independence. 

Is General Zaluzhnyi hinting that he may be playing the role of a Ukrainian Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim? From what I could gleam from the Economist interview, and knowing that General Zaluzhnyi does have Presidential aspirations and that Mannerheim is on his mind, the answer is yes.


  1. Make a deal with Russia, save a million or more lives, maybe even prevent nuclear war, and save Ukraine from complete annihilation, that’s the path of least resistance and I hope this general succeeds if he ousts that NATO puppet and idiot Zelensky.

    1. What nonsense, Russia is the aggressor , the west must support ukraine until the cost becomes too high for Russia or putin is deposed. NUKE Lol, nobody takes it seriously, MAD doctrine still applies

    2. Don’t ever underestimate the idiocy of the Biden administration.

    3. Well MAD doctrine isn't as clear when it involves Russia nuking a country that is not the US nor is even allied with the US. Can you imagine the US using a nuclear weapon against Russian forces or on Russian territory in this case? I cannot, simply because it's much more clear to me that Russia would retaliate against the US directly, making mutually assured destruction actually relevant. To use nukes against someone who can use them back on you means you need to be willing to accept a nuclear strike on yourself. Ukraine cannot retaliate in this way but Russia can, so of course the US is not going to use nukes outside of Russia directly striking nato with such weapons.

    4. And you're right Russia is the aggressor but the idea that you cannot and should not negotiate terms with an aggressor, or even a blatantly evil regime, means that you are committed to total war and unconditional surrender. The idea that Ukraine can bring Russia to that point is crazy, because there are few historical examples of unconditional surrender, and the circumstances which allowed it are orders of magnitude more destructive and deadly than what we have seen.

  2. what, wanker, does Biden have to do with this since he has given nonstop military assistance to Ukraine. You need to grow up. There is more to reality than what Trump says and does.

    1. Take a good look at the libs of TikTok and understand that it’s those people who are running the show at the White House. Biden and co will run us right into a nuclear conflict. That’s what he has to do with it

  3. Yes Fazman

    Carthage Must be Destroyed!!!

    I am sure you have plane ticket in hand and have volunteered to go there and fight. Please send us reports of your experiences at the front.

  4. Maybe

    But what I do know is this.

    If there is another Russian offensive.



    it looks the Russians are winning

    There will be a group in the white house that will come to old Joe with a dozen voices and try to convince him to either go in with conventional forces or use nukes.

    If it goes conventional, that will also lead to nukes, so it does not matter either way.

    They are already there sitting around waiting. They also probably have a plan of what they are going to say to Joe and what type of argumentation they are going to use.

    They may also have some type of BS intel in a brief case they are going to use.

    These people are ideologies. They care not one wit about the USA. All they care about is that their ideology prevails.

    Watch the DC crowd closely and their friends in NY. If people start disappearing you know the time is close.

    My gut tells me we wont have long to wait now. maybe 30days 60 max..... all the forces are moving. Maybe I am wrong. maybe I am right. who knows? I sincerely hope I am wrong.

  5. I hope you are wrong too.
    Hopefully, as the Editor suggests may be the case, this Ukr. General is positioning himself to be the Ukrainian Mannerheim.

  6. 7:59 AM
    No Stupido. It is NOT your country that got invaded and is being destroyed so you can tell them to surrender
    go forth and tend your own nation's needs

  7. What is the difference between a general (Ukrainian) wanting to be president and a spy colonel (Russian) butchering the Russian constitution until term limits were abolished.

    Putin was (is a general in the FSB) a colonel in the KGB.

    Colonel and general are 1 step paygrade or 1 step of the ladder away form each other.

    Another thing. When a group is at war for a prolonged time you get military leaders. Shocking I know.

    Study the Wends or the American Indians. The traditional chiefs were not deposed, but the war chiefs rose in stature and became the de facto leaders.

    In 1 week it will have been 10 months and Little Putin still has not gotten his birthday present. Now he is all wee weed up like Obama and pouting about it.

  8. 7:59

    Your logic is horribly flawed.

    I'm not the one saying that we need to get more people involved in this conflict and give them an opportunity to also die.

    I am not asking the EU or the Americans to go and fight for the Russians or for the Ukrainians. But Mr. Fazman did. And if he wants that, then he should go also.

    I say let them take care of their own problems.

    Mr. skoda, when are you going to join up? Or you going to sit there and Monday night QB and say yes more support, yes send troops blah blah while saving your own skin.??

  9. 1:25

    You are operating on a well founded premise that American leaders will be judicious and use common sense. 70 years ago under Eisenhower, I would have absolutely agreed with you.

    But considering the current group of ideologues and grifters we now have in DC aka the Blob, I have to respectfully disagree.

    After all the BS and lies the American people have put up with in the last 40 years, can we really trust the BLOB to "do the right thing?"

    Probably not

  10. @Anon 1:38

    Well I hope for all of us you're wrong about the blob...but that's a good point to bring up trust. I guess he doesn't have my trust either.
