Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Editor's Note

Stuck in a business meetings today. Blogging will return later today.


  1. The following diagnostic keys were evaluated in order to analyze the rise in sudden deaths:

    R96.0 Sudden death
    R96.1 Death occurring within less than 24 hours of onset of symptoms, unless otherwise stated
    R98 Death without others present
    R99 Other imprecise or unspecified causes of death
    I46.1 Sudden cardiac death

    I heard a pharma commercial advising that if it has been 5 months since you received your last corona shot, you should come on in and get another one.

    Maybe they should say every 4 months. We can have the enlightened getting clot shots 3 times a year and have them keel over.

    We could throw them a pizza party every time they get a shot. Pizza party would have beer, MJ or their drug of choice of course.

  2. Addendum:

    Don't worry if you are R96th, you can still vote in the next election and several after that.


  3. "Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko has admitted he and Vladimir Putin are the 'most toxic people on this planet'."

    maybe Belarus would be better off:

    a) ruled by Putin
    b) ruled by a new president selected every 4 or 5 years voted by the people

    What was Lukashenko thinking?

  4. US Air Force Persona Management Software -scribd

    A defense department that creates persona software 15 years ago would not stop there. they might and they could create software to affect elections.

    If people are right and the CIA assassinated JFK, you know damn well they would manipulate elections.

    The JFK document release stinks. 3% is still held back. All the people who can be prosecuted have died of old age. So why hide the documents?

    I will tell you why. The public would not like it and there would be change. The court eunuchs could lose power. Eunuchs nowadays get to keep their balls, they can play god with the country, and set their kids up to succeed them.

    So we know the Air Force has persona software to manage or steer public debate on the web. The FBI actively shapes discourse on Twitter and Fred R Lapides believes Al Reuters hook, line and stinker.

    But Fred wants us to believe that Al Reuters has it right. Can't teach that old dog any new tricks.

  5. they might and they could create software to affect elections.

    your silly statement would get you laughed out of any court case

  6. And only one member of Congress, Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, pointed out that YouTube has been co-opted by white supremacists and hate groups. They use YouTube not only to spread their messages and recruit members but to make money through ads—money that then funds those groups. Because these videos are widely shared within the alt-right ecosphere, they also spill over to search, as I found out when I typed the words “Hillary Clinton pedophile” into the Google search bar, and a YouTube video

    The Search for Anti-Conservative Bias on Google

  7. Fred is just not getting the ideal of tables. with 3 minutes work including logging in sipping your coffee and taking your time you can change search results. At a later date you can change them back and unless some one was auditing during that period, there is no proof.

    White supremacists are fringe. You can give them free reign so as to discredit your enemies while effective, mainstream opponents are deplatformed, demonetized, and shadow banned.

    Free tip to Fred. White supremacists are not conservatives. Especially if their daddies were Democrats, which accounts for many of them and probably 95 to 99% of them in the Sunbelt States.

    Whites have been marring nonwhites since time immemorial. Aound 1200 Russian nobility were marrying Kipchaks. Around 700 AD or sometime thereafter Bavarians were marrying Asiatics. Check their DNA. Were they Huns, Avars or someone else do not know. The studies did not say. But it ks apparent. You find a lot bond haired Germans especially up north. In the south you find quite a few Germans with natural tans even during the winter. this is before 1900. You see it even in German immigrants to the US in the 19ht century. Point is marrying a nonwhite now, would be as it was then. Conservative.

    Fred wants to scare us with stories of white supremacists. They exist, but they are damn few especially compared to Black or Hispanic supremacists. Last time the white racists were at the state capital was in the 1990s. Last item there was a white supremacist flying the flag or making noise in my metro area was in the 1990s.

    Black supremacists I can find a lot of and I watch out for them. Having read current news accounts and all, I know my nonwhite spouse is at risk from ubiquitous black supremacists. white ones not so much.

    Try harder Fred.

  8. Mr. Breathelessly telling you said:

    "And only one member of Congress, Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, pointed out that YouTube has been co-opted by white supremacists and hate groups"

    From fre dicitonary.com

    co-opt (kō-ŏpt′, kō′ŏpt′)
    tr.v. co-opt·ed, co-opt·ing, co-opts

    1. To elect as a fellow member of a group.
    2. To appoint summarily.
    3. To take or assume for one's own use; appropriate: co-opted the criticism by embracing it.
    4. To neutralize or win over (an independent minority, for example) through assimilation into an established group or culture

    I bet the Black Israelites, the Nation of Islam, La Raza and other other hate groups have coopted You tube as well. What was your point?

    Lot of co-opting goging on out there.
    10 Surprising Facts About The Nation of Islam

    Black Hebrew Israelites

    What we do know Mr. Breathless is that you tube does jot keep out white or black racists. it does suppress conservatives from time to time and severely so until it gets caught and then it eases up for awhile.

  9. you have yet to prove that conservatives are censored by Google.
    put in search item Breitbart
    got this:

    Breitbart News Network
    Syndicated news and opinion website providing continuously updated headlines to top news and analysis sources.
    The latest Politics news, opinion, and analysis from Breitbart.
    London / Europe

  10. The omnibus spending bill has been released, and buried inside it are provisions that would reform the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which governs how Congress counts presidential electors. Trump’s effort to subvert his presidential reelection loss exploited many weaknesses in the ECA that would be fixed if the omnibus passes, as expected.

    Strikingly, all this is happening with little noise from right-wing media or MAGA-loyal lawmakers. A bipartisan group of senators negotiated these reforms for months with the support of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and they will likely be backed by many or even most GOP senators. Trump himself has been surprisingly mute.

  11. "put in search item Breitbart today."

    So ipso facto that proves what the search returns were in 2020, 2021 or 6 months ago.

    You are just putting us on now. No one, not even you, could be that stupid.

  12. Mitch McConnell is not a Republican. Mitch is out just for himself. Outside of the judges he shepherded through the judiciary committee voting Republican despise him.

  13. Frankly it must really suck to be Lukashenko. Massively overweight, pushed around by an elderly midget and near universally hated in the country your supposed to be ruling.
