Monday, December 12, 2022

Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Retired Admiral James Stavridis Says Russia Will ‘Carpet Bomb’ Ukraine

U.S. Army General David H. Petraeus, right, with the U.S. Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis, commander of European Command and NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe in Brussels in 2011.  

James Stavridis, Financial Review: Putin will carpet bomb Ukraine unless the West acts  

Giving the Ukrainians more tools to close their own skies will be the key to forcing the Russians to the negotiating table. 

The strategically vital city of Kherson is back in the hands of Ukrainians, albeit under threat of Russian shelling and attacks on its electricity supply. 

But as combatants on both sides of an increasingly static firing line prepare for winter war, there are effectively two separate conflicts emerging: one on the land, the other in the air. 

What can the West do to help Ukraine meet the immediate tactical challenges, and ultimately seize the longer-term advantage? 

On land, the arrival of a wet, rainy autumn and a harsh winter will lead to a decrease in operations. Both Russia and Ukraine need to rest and reinforce their troops, as well as repair equipment. A return to full-blown combat operations isn’t likely until late winter when the ground freezes, presenting a better opportunity for the heaviest equipment.  

Read more ....  

Update: Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander says Russia will ‘carpet bomb’ Ukraine (We Are The Mighty)  

WNU Editor: Retired Admiral James Stavridis is saying what this blog has been saying since the start of the war. Russia has not even come close to deploying the military assets that it has in this war. But I have noticed recently that the debate on using of strategic bombers is starting to shift on Russian social media. That instead of using artillery to pound Ukrainian fortified positions, use strategic bombers with their 500/1000 lb loads in the same manner that was used in Syria or how the US Air Force used their bomber assets in Iraq and Afghanistan.


  1. Yes. I have been saying this for weeks. It's Curtis LeMay time.

  2. We need to carper bomb Russia from the Belerus. Russian border to The Urals.

  3. My concern is Russia gaining long range missiles from Iran. Maybe that won’t happen. We shall see. Carpet bombing can be defeated with robust air defenses and interceptors. America has a vast boneyard of aircraft. Maybe some hundreds could be transferred to Ukraine for conversion to drones. Negotiations should make clear to Russia two paths exist. Come to understanding or Russia itself is a war zone.

  4. Go to war with Russia?. Is it really worth the risk?

  5. Ukraine can shoot down Russia bombers easily… not a good tactic

  6. Maybe maybe not. One of the mysteries of this war .....where are russian harm missle systems and anti ADA?
    On another issue it is a lot harder to hit b52s at 30000 ft vs a helo at 2000.

    Did those hawk missle batterys get set up? Because stingers won't cut it.

  7. So... their only strategy is to escalate? Force the Russians to negotiating table? No words. Unbelievable

  8. Where is it said that you punch a bully once in the nose and he gives up?

    If you punch once and the bully does not give up, you keep punching.

    So escalate. The Russians have.

    The Russians switched strategies to completely destroying the energy grids.

    So, 11:22 has copied the words "No words" and "unbelievable" from reading the Daily Mail. smells like Russian troll.

    What new trick will Ivan the Troll learn? "Thoughts and payers"? "SMH"?

    We could set up a betting pool on the new ploys Russian trolls will use or the new tricks they learn.

    They already have several betting pools at the NSA.

  9. These generals aren't dialed in. There would be unnecessary losses if the long range bombers were deployed to drop dumb-bombs. That goes against the Russian doctrine that we've seen so far. A tactical pivot could happen of course, but I think the likelyhood is low given Putin's public statements regarding loss ratios. Losing a bomber is felt more acutely than the loss of territory or even a certain number of lives.

    A long continuation of the status quo meat grinder doesn't make for good punditry, however.

  10. The Russians escalated because the U.S. (my country.. no Russian troll here) and NATO sent weapons to Ukraine. American advisors are helping Ukraine with their strikes. This conflict would be over otherwise. Now U.S. is greenlighting and directing air strikes inside Russia? This no longer a Russian-Ukraine conflict, it's a proxy. I say no words because I don't want world War. I will not fight and die for this nonsense, will you? Send your kids? If not supply ideas for peace or don't talk.

  11. 11:43

    Supposed American

    Russia has been fucking with Ukraine since at least 2004. They invaded in 2014.

    But the issue is what NATO and Ukraine did.

    What will I do? I've have already been in two wars. If it needs to be, it needs to be. I take a dim view of shirkers.

  12. You have fun with that

  13. Have you been to America? This country is not prepared for a major war

  14. Been in two American wars. Have I been to America the troll asks.


    What were your wars and what capacity did you serve?

    11:43. spot on and correct

    12:25. Our hero Mr Skoda. You went to war?? Yes sure you did....... as a contractor serving coffee at the Green Bean.

    11:43. Don't worry about Mr. 12:25. That is Mr. Skoda. We all love him even though he is a hard core ideologue. He will insult you and try to confuse you with blather. Pay no attention. An illogical individual.

    But strange as it is, every once in a while, he has moments of incredible lucidity concerning things no one seems to bother with. Like production levels and zebra biology and Phonics. It can be truly interesting and that is why we tolerate him.
