Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Gates, Johns Hopkins, WHO Simulated Another Pandemic - 'Catastrophic Contagion'


Defiant Amercia: Gates, Johns Hopkins, WHO Simulated Another Deadly Pandemic In 2023 – The Virus Is A Lot Deadlier And The Main “Target” Of The Virus Will Scare Everyone (Video)  

The next pandemic will be much more devastating… 

This post is just there to raise awareness of the looming and coming threat that could wipe out the majority of the population. “Catastrophic Contagion” was another simulation recently conducted by Bill Gates and the WHO. 

The group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This is a fictional scenario. But it shows what many in the "health community" are focused on.


Anonymous said...

Garbage in Garbage out.

These models are no better than the climate models.

People need to learn about modeling. If they don't priest and kings, I mean scientists and politicians, will lie to them. Pharaonic priests use to measure the water level of the Nile in secret. Because knowledge is power. Your average farmer could use a nilometer. But if a priesthood measure it in secret they can make up all sorts of stuff.

And we know Gates is a good man. Adultery, rubbing elbows with Epstein,...

Anonymous said...

Statistics can and are manipulated. Ideological bias is the rule of the day. Don't believe this stuff unless you do it yourself or by some one who you trust

Anonymous said...

we are screwed. Everyone and everything is against us. They are out to screw us. Believe nothing but what I post.
Epstein was buddies with Trump but then he simply loved golfing and not girlies.