Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Global Poll Says 73% Expect World War 3 In The Next 25 Years

IPSOS: Worry about possible worldwide conflict rises 

Ipsos survey for Halifax International Security Forum finds 73% of people, on average, across 33 countries expect in the next 25 years we could see another world conflict involving superpowers similar to World Wars I & II. The invasion of Ukraine seems to have global citizens feeling on edge. As new Ipsos polling conducted on behalf of the Halifax International Security Forum finds almost three in four (73%) agree we could see a worldwide conflict like last century’s major military confrontations. 

Of the more than 32,000 people surveyed, an average of 73% somewhat/strongly agree with the statement: “I expect in the next 25 years we could see another world conflict involving superpowers similar to World Wars 1 & 2”, up 10 percentage points since last year. Australia (+8 points to 81%), Ireland (80%, new this year), Mexico (+8 pts to 80%) and Peru (+3 pts to 80%) are the countries where people are most concerned with worldwide conflict breaking out. Concern rose significantly, but is lowest in Japan (+16 pts to 51%), Sweden (+11 pts to 60%), Germany (+17 pts to 63%) and Indonesia (63%, new).  

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WNU Editor: Russia was not included in this poll.


Anonymous said...

The fact it’s not over 90% shows just how uninformed and out of touch with reality so many people are. Technically, we already are in the beginning stages of this world war in Ukraine (NATO vs Russia)

Anonymous said...

I'm expecting it in the next 25 minutes. All we need is a computer malfunction & Whoops Apocalypse. Keep ducking.....

Anonymous said...

I expect who ever will start it will be doomed.

Anonymous said...

OOOh Oooh, I know the answer to that one. RUSSIA!

Anonymous said...

What, me worry? I have Allstate insurance