Friday, December 2, 2022

Internal Twitter Documents Show Massive Political Interference From Democrat Lawmakers And Biden Campaign Officials To Censor Posts

Daily Mail: Elon Musk reveals Democrats lawmakers blasted Twitter for failing to censor MORE content after New York Post Hunter Biden laptop scandal - with lawmakers claiming 'free speech isn't absolute' 

* Journalist Matt Taibbi Friday began publishing the internal Twitter documents 

* They showed the shocking political influence on content moderation at the site 

* Taibbi conducted his probe with the cooperation of new Twitter chief Elon Musk 

* Emails showed staffers censoring tweets at the behest of the Joe Biden's team 

* His campaign made requests for tweets to be taken down - and Twitter complied 

Files showing Twitter's suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal were released on the social media giant today thanks to Elon Musk. 

The documents include internal Twitter emails appearing to show staffers censoring tweets at the behest of the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign. 

Weeks ahead of the election in October 2020, Twitter prevented sharing of a story about Hunter's involvement with a Chinese oil giant – and his then-presidential candidate father Joe Biden's potential slice of a multi-million-dollar deal with the foreign firm. 

Read more ....

Update: Elon Musk Releases THE TWITTER FILES: How Twitter Collaborated With "The Biden Team" To Cover Up The Hunter Laptop Story (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: The above Daily Mail article does a good summary on what has been disclosed by journalist Matt Taibbi.

Matt Taibbi began publishing the internal Twitter documents on his Twitter page today. You can read the full conversation on Twitter below. 

It is clear to me that the staff at Twitter probably never thought that these internal discussions would be made public. They must be really pissed. On another note. You know that this type of political bias, influence and censorship is even worse at Facebook and Google/YouTube.


  1. a) The MSM keeps people ignorant

    Some people, thought I was kidding or lying.

  2. That's why a massive portion of all 'democratic' countries don't vote

  3. Twitter did the same thing as the Russians have said t have done in 2016. They influenced the election.

    The Russians bought $80.000 dollar worth of ads. About $40,000 was spent before the election.

    These execs and other did the same thing with the difference being they controlled the company and they did not have to buy anything. the second difference is they blocked news articles that were factual.

    What the Twitter execs did is much bigger than the Russians and Mr Mueller, Merick Garland or others will not investigate them.

  4. You mean it is Twitter and not the FBI that is currently exploring the laptop and so we just need to wait for Musk to reveal all things?
    Trump and pals never in any form or manner interfered with the Democratic cause? here is but one instance when Trump not even in office!

    KNXV - Phoenix Scripps
    Democrats calling for investigation to see if Trump campaign and AZ Republican Party interfered with Maricopa County vote count

  5. Twitter execs knew a backlash would erupt over the decision to block the Post’s Hunter Biden article, per Taibbi, and there was debate about how to proceed. Trenton Kennedy, Twitter’s U.S. policy communications manager, had written in an internal email, “I’m struggling to understand the policy basis for marking this as unsafe.” Yoel Roth, Twitter’s head of safety and integrity (who just resigned last month in the wake of Musk’s takeover), responded that the “policy is based on hacked materials — though, as discussed, this is an emerging situation where the facts remain unclear.” Deputy general counsel Jim Baker said that while Twitter needed more information on the situation, it was “reasonable for us to assume” that the materials that formed the basis for the Post’s reporting were hacked and he wrote that “caution is warranted.”

    According to Taibbi, citing anonymous sources, Twitter’s “hacked materials” policy normally required an official or law enforcement finding that a hack was committed — and nothing like that was evident in the case of the Post’s Biden stories.

    Twitter subsequently reversed the decision, saying that it had updated its hacked-materials policy and would not retroactively apply it to the New York Post. Other news outlets, including the New York Times, have since reported that the laptop did in fact belong to Hunter Biden and the documents on it were authentic. Predictably, Twitter’s blocking of the Post became a rallying point for Republican politicians accusing the social network of censoring conservative viewpoints.

  6. What vote count in Maricopa? People were not allowed to vote. The machines were rigged to not scan properly.

  7. ^^^
    prove this! the court found otherwise


  8. The offending material that Taibbi revealed was removed by Twitter at the Biden campaign’s request turns out to have been a bunch of links to Hunter Biden in the buff.

    There was a tweet from a Chinese account featuring a naked woman on top of Hunter Biden, as well as a family photo. Two pictures of Hunter Biden’s penis, one with another woman in the background. Taibbi’s next list of material was removed by Twitter after being flagged by the Democratic National Committee. They include a picture of Hunter Biden smoking crack and getting his feet rubbed and a link to a Hunter Biden sex tape.

    And that’s the big hubbub. Social media company removes unwanted dick pics: News at 11.

  9. Because among Republican members of Congress, leading conservative media commentators, contrarian substackers, conservative tech bros, and friends of Donald Trump, the ability to post Hunter Biden’s cock shots on Twitter is the number-one issue in America this weekend. They believe that if they are not allowed to post porno, our constitutional republic may be in jeopardy.

    I truly, truly wish I were joking.


    Right-wing commentator Buck Sexton (real name), said this was a “bright red line violation” and that Biden should be IMPEACHED for it. Rep. James Comer (R-TN) was on Fox promising that everyone at Twitter involved with this would be brought before the House Oversight committee. Rep. Billy Long retweeted several MAGA influencers praising Elon for, among other things, “exposing corruption at the highest levels of society” (Projection Alert). Meanwhile Kari Lake hype man Pizzagate Jack Posobiec declared this the “biggest story in modern presidential election history,” claimed that “we can never go back to the country we were before this moment,” and donned this “a digital insurrection.”

    In reality, all they really had was a digital erection

  10. ^^^ Yellow Belly sap sucker got out of bed.

  11. "the ability to post Hunter Biden’s cock shots on Twitter"

    What ability to post cock shots? I have seen plenty of shots of Hunter Biden in the buff. Many, many pictures. But I have never seen his cock.

    The privates have always been blurred out. And still the FUCKER in the Democrat Party want these pictures to be buried for the sole purpose of hanging onto power.

    The photos show that Hunter is a national security risk. the y call into question Joe Biden's judgment. Alzheimer Joe called hunter the smartest person he know. Sorry Beau Biden, but sniffer thinks Hunter is smarter than you.

    The pictures along with the emails show pervasive corruption in the highest levels of government.

    11:05/11:06/11:18/11:25 (all the same person) was so concerned about the imaginary pee tapes that he wet himself.

    11:05 Go back to looking up porn. It is all you are good for.

  12. Interesting and telling that most deniers here focuses on dickpicks when there were a ton of other emails and documents telling way more interesting stuff.

    But sure.. Focus on the strawman lol

  13. It is just like with Clinton. They said it was just sex and so a nothing burger.

    They are focusing on Hunter's sexcapades to drown out any discussion on anything else.

    The heavies of the DNC might be chagrinned that Biden brought unwanted scrutiny on all of them, but they will tough it out, because it is about power and not if they like or trust Biden.

  14. blah blah blah...and not a serious arguement.
    Now try this, which came out todayEEE!

    Former President Donald Trump on Saturday flat-out called for the "termination" of the United States Constitution so that he could be returned to the presidency.

    Reacting to the news that Twitter in the runup to the 2020 election removed tweets that featured pornographic photos of Hunter Biden, Trump declared that the entire election had been stolen from him and demanded to be returned to the presidency.

    question: do you favor suspension of our constitution? Yes or no. simple answer. No evasion: yes or no.

  15. Whaddya know, turns out they are who we thought they were.

    11:18 Jump off a tall building, and on the way down F yourself.

  16. 12:22 Keep looking for that tall building.

  17. still there: do you approve or not of what Trump has said: suspend our constitution. simple yes or no. no deflection, plz.

  18. put aside grade school name calling and answer: yes or no. Do you approve of Trump's call to set aside our constitution? why cant you answer? what has you all tied up in knots? yes or no.

  19. Election interference? Nah, couldn't be.

    2:55 The article isn't about Trump, dumbass. Done with feeding the trolls.

  20. Democrats set aside the constitution when they launched a coup, aborted the 1st amendment and stuffed ballot boxes.

  21. F. L. can never be convinced, since his logic is impeccably wrong and his grasp of the facts is tenuous.

  22. Another story for the "mainstream" media to ignore.

  23. A possible candidate for the United States presidency has now asked voters to put aside the constitution. and you can not even say whether you agree or not with what he has said! small wonder the GOP is fill with spineless cowardly wimps

  24. DONALD TRUMP, the former president and the person that polls show is still the most likely GOP presidential nominee in 2024, today on Truth Social called for the suspension of the Constitution to overturn the 2020 election, citing false conspiracy theories about election fraud.

    “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote, hours after new details of Twitter’s internal moderation deliberations in 2020 were released at the behest of new owner ELON MUSK. (More on that below.)

    Every Republican will be asked about Trump’s statement. The former president dined with antisemites last week, and now he says the Constitution should be discarded. If you are a Republican who thinks being asked to take a position on this is just some liberal media trap, consider what you would say if BARACK OBAMA or JOE BIDEN tweeted this.


  25. Looks like we are getting a tongue lashing by extra very bad stuff (407 - 409)

