Sunday, December 18, 2022

Mapped: The World’s Countries Compared by 20 Key Metrics

Visual Capitalist: Mapped: The World’s Countries Compared by 20 Key Metrics  

Mapped: The World’s Countries Compared by 20 Key Metrics 

Which countries have the largest populations? What about the rural versus urban population divide? And which countries have the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP), military expenditures, or tech exports? 

Instead of comparing countries by one metric, this animation and series of graphics by Anders Sundell uses 20 different categories of World Bank data to compare countries. The data was sourced in July 2022 and contains the latest available data for each country. 

Below, we provide some context on eight of the 20 categories, and share some facts on the top ranking countries for each category.  

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WNU Editor: I give it another 30 years before China is #1 in the important key metrics.


Anonymous said...

Wnu you based on what? I guess you based on your last visited China 40 years ago. Lol.

B.Poster said...

Allot can happen in 30 years. I would be reluctant to even try and predict that far out.

Dave Goldstein said...

I wouldn't do try forcast anything anymore. Even the weather.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely doubt China will surpass the USA. Right now China is flat lined. Growth days are over. Any company with half a brain is pulling out as soon as possible. When the worlds largest company tells XI we're out of here., that is a disaster. Authoritarian govermnets just don't last. China is slowly collapsing of it's weight.

Let's see- The Shah of Iran is secure- gone a few weeks later, lets miss a dozen divisions invading Aghanistan,1988 the Warsaw Pact and USSR were secure as could be and our real threat- 1989 Berlin wall falls-1991 USSR collapses.

Then we move on into "Peace in our time" and the "End of History" Bullshit with Clinton and the EU and just sign this paper Ukraine we'll protect you from Russia- you have no need for nuclear weapons. 1998 and 2003 and China will be as democratic as the EU and USA, etc- Nope. 2022- Ukraine would buy truckloads of nukes if they could, Japan and South Koreea are talking nukes, Saudi and others thinking about it.

Oh yeah Yeltsin is a drunk and Putin is different so we can work with him--- Nope.