Monday, December 5, 2022

Poll Says American Confidence In The US Military Is Dropping Due To Political Polarization

Washington Examiner: Political polarization saps confidence in US military, survey says 

American confidence in the armed services has dropped sharply over the last five years, and a new study from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute said political polarization in the military is a top contributing factor. 

The Reagan National Defense Survey, which was released this week, found that 48% of respondents said they had a great deal of trust and confidence in the military. That's up slightly from 45% last year but a significant decrease from the 70% of people who answered that way in 2018.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The poll is here (link here).


  1. Biden’s Sec of Defense Tells Congress to Ban Unvaccinated Troops

    Obama has bee purging the ranks. Anyway you look at it, this is Obama's 3rd term. He is the puppet master and/or alumni from his administration fill the ranks of the 'Biden' White House'.

    People refusing the 'vaccine' tend to be conservative, so the COVID 'emergency' gives Down's syndrome Austin cover to purge them.

    'Vaccine' is put in quotes, because the CDC changed the definition of vaccine; they moved the goal posts.

    'Emergency' is put in quotes, because was it? COVID killed the sick and the old mostly. isn't that what diseases generally do? As the population gets older and life expectancy goes up, it is damn unreasonable to expect it to monotonically increase. They will be some down ticks.

    If you saw a graph of the stock market and there were not down ticks interspersed on the trend line, would you not be alarmed? Would you not think something was faked or something was going on?

    If Austin lives into his 80s or 90s, he may look like a Russian general due to all the damage he has wrought. For those of you in Rio Linda, it means his stupidity and cupidity will get large numbers of American soldiers killed. But that does not matter. His fat ass will be in an air conditioned boardroom of a defense contractor in plush chair getting paid for carrying water for DC.

  2. Ever serve in the military? if so, you got vaccinated. Yes or no? all your bsing about Obama is shit. Show us what you imply. give facts. give data.

    now tell us about this:

    Trump Had Hidden $19.8 Million Loan From North Korea-Linked Company As President Report

    1. The company is Daewoo, a South Korean based company, and so what? Really? You people are really reaching here. It’s not like Kim Jon une donated to his political party. If corruption is your red line, why are you ok with all the corruption from the Biden crime syndicate?

  3. Realistically confidence in any institution cannot stay at high levels forever. Times change people change it goes up and it goes down. It cannot stay fixed at one level forever.

  4. 10:45 (i.e. shill and stupid one at that)

    The flu shot is not a vaccine. They never called it a vaccine and it was around for several decades. The COVID shots are also not vaccines until the CDC changed the definition.

    You, a person incapable of analytical work, and thus a degree could not get a degree except by networking and sucking up. Do a risk benefit analysis of the Risk of COVID shots versus the benefits for young and middle aged people, who are not obese. Hecka droller like yourself does not know or care what VAERS is.

    I am not bsing, when I call Obama shit. He is shit. Obama talked of rising sea level from global warming. then Huckster Berry Finn bough two house on the beach. That is undefendable except by a cretin like yourself.

    It is a fact that many Obama alums are in the Biden White House.

    Joe Biden campaign staffers reportedly ‘pissed’ as Obama alumni get WH gigs

    Obama alumni group reshuffles as the Biden administration launches

  5. People were not reaching. It was demented nutcase, whose two passions are porn and the Democrat party and not necessarily in that order.

  6. ok. You go into the army, you swear to uphold Constituion. In the military you obey orders. The current order: get vaccines as required, as ordered. Go to the far east? certain shots mandatory. you refuse? you get out of military. Simple as that. You do not decide what you will and will not do. If you think otherwise, then join up and try it and let us know how it works out.
    Now youre sniping simply reveals your trumpian name calling at a low level. Simple fact: the Pentagon has ordered vaccines. Obey or do not join or stay in.

  7. Having served..12:49 IS CORRECT.


    Not just the shots but the whole CRT BLM LBQGT BS.

    Why fight for the government??? if you are white, from the south and straight. They hate you anyway. You are a deplorable.

  8. "ok. You go into the army, ..."

    Notice how the crank with 16 or 17 years of education in English cannot start a sentence with a capital letter?

    People can understand a message or post without proper capitalization. With out proper punctuation it gets harder.

    With dismal expository writing, logic or grammar, it become harder still.

    With dishonesty it is impossible.

    12:49 is 0 for 4, which is expected out of someone, who was socially promoted through school.

    People are obligated to obey lawful order not any old order. That word "lawful" is an adjective. It modifies the noun (order in this case) that comes after it. The adjective provides more information.

    Service members are required to take approved vaccines not experimental ones. The so called vaccines the service member are getting are one that are covered by an EAU.

    12:49 will never, ever answer why the only COVID 'vaccine' approved by the FDA is the only one that drug makers refuse to put on the market.

    The space between 12:49's ears is a logic free, fact free vacuum.

  9. grammar nazis are assholes
    see Webster and N. Chompsky

  10. The debt would have sparked conflict of interest concerns over an American president’s indebtedness to a foreign operation vulnerable to influence by North Korea’s rogue government. Trump often gushed about his close relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

    Such loans are largely reported on an honor system because the U.S. Office of Government Ethics has neither the resources nor the power to delve into a president’s assets.

    “If someone does not disclose a loan, OGE has no way to know,” said Walter Shaub, who ran that agency when Trump took office.

    Don Fox, who once also headed the office, told Forbes: “The system is kind of predicated upon people actually following a law because they want to follow the law.”

  11. "grammar nazis are assholes"

    Grammar is a set of rules to make it easier to communicate. Everyone can forget some of the rules, but when a person constantly and egregiously flouts the simple ones, then what is it? They don't give a shit about their own message? They do not give a shit about the message audience? What exactly?

    Misspelled words are underlined in red. So that helps in crafting a message to make it easier for other people to understand. But some people do not care.

    Just think if "Mr. 17 years of Education" was a programmer and made syntax errors right, left and center in coding a program. What would he expect? That the program would compile? That some other program would clean up his mess and not talk about it? Forbidden subject?

    Human language are not computer programming languages but there are parallels. Humans can most of the time figure out errors and still understand the gist of a poorly worded ungrammatical post. But sometimes they can't.

    Just sad that Mr. 17 Years of Education does not give a shit.

  12. Confidence is down in all institutions. The militarys rep after the Afghanistan retreat and follow on debacle shocked people on the street. Voters see whats going on with "wokism" taking hold, trannies in the military openly, Austins never ending "hunt" for WHITE supremacists in the ranks where extremely few ever existed, and the Covid shot mess which many feel is a hunt for Trump Supporters only put fuel on the fire. I'm retired military and have 2 others serving in my family. One retires next June (if Joe doesn't have us in a war somewhere) and the other is looking to leave as soon as his time is up.

  13. Trump's remarks are understandable. There has to be an off ramp, when a corrupt political party follows the form of a Constitutional Republic but not its spirit.

    Using the the FBI, CIA and foreign intel services to launch a coup against a president is unforgivable. That is not in the constitution. It would be understandable if the got Trump on being a foreign agent. Alas, he is not. What is showed was that they broke the law continuously multiple times a day for 5 years. English Major has not told us what the names of of the peeing hookers. He can't because they are fictional.

    If the God Damn English major knew history, which it does not, it would know that under August's rule had the form of a Republic but it was actually an Empire. Many historians have said exactly that.

    As a New Yorker Trump was brash and inartful of language, but his point was valid.

    The Biden campaign and FBI asked Twitter to kills stories and they did. that is a violation of the 1st amendment. Right then and there, Democrats murdered the Constitution.

  14. the Constitution still stands.That is why Pence, then the VP, gave the truthful electoral count. That is why those in the GOP who won in midterms will take the oath to support and defend and honor our Constitution. Trump wants it overturned to install himself. You either support the American Constitution or you do not. Go into the military¿ You pledge to support the Constitution. And if you are given orders such as take required shots you either accept those orders or you do not. And if you refuse? You no longer serve. You do not tell the Pentagon what you will and will not do as a serviceman or woman.

  15. Mouthing the words while doing illegal shit out of sight does mean the constitution stands.

    Having the form or procedures in public for people to see why ruling as an oloigarchy does not a Republic make.

    The roman Senators and Augustus kept up the pretense of a Republic, but Rome had become an empire. You're not debating that point, because you are stupid drooling idiot or a dishonest shyster.

    Coke bottle Austin does not approve vaccines. The FDA does. Austin is giving illegal orders.

    Buddy (7:30) you never served. You were carried.

  16. Yup, Buddy boy still has not admitted that the so called vaccines were never approved by the FDA.

    Further Buddy Boy has not admitted that it is only legal for the m8iltary to order soldiers to take approved vaccines.

    Two very simple points above and Buddy Boy write a paragraph and say nothing.
