Monday, December 19, 2022

Russia, China To Hold Joint Live-Fire Naval Drillls In Waters Near Japan

Chinese and Russian naval fleets conduct joint drills on October 23, 2021 in the eastern waters of the East China Sea. Sun Zifa/China News Service  

CNN: Russia and China unite for live-fire naval exercises in waters near Japan  

Seoul, South Korea CNN — China and Russia will begin a weeklong joint live-fire naval exercise in the East China Sea on Wednesday, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, as the two partners step up cooperation in an increasingly tense western Pacific. 

“The active part of the exercise will include joint missile and artillery firing against air targets, artillery firing against sea targets, and practicing joint anti-submarine actions with practical use of weapons,” the Russian statement said. 

The exercises, dubbed Maritime Cooperation 2022, will feature Russia’s Pacific Fleet flagship – the missile cruiser Varyag – a frigate and two corvettes, the statement said, adding that China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy will send two destroyers, two patrol ships, a multipurpose supply ship, and a diesel submarine. 

Chinese aircraft would also take part, it said.  

Read more ....  

Update: Russia, China to hold joint naval drills (AP)  

WNU Editor: Both China and Russia are sending a message to Japan .... Japan To Double Military Spending (December 16, 2022).


  1. Right. China, Russia becoming ________

  2. I have read the link in the comment above and it seems that yes those places were in touch with social media to correct misinformation. Does the commenter prefer that false information be spread?

  3. a secret list? there was, your source says, a glitch that got fixed. Meanwhile, some former worker says "may have" etc etc...hardly proof of anything.
    But assuming some social media does favor the left or the right, who can legally make them do something other than what a private firm chooses to do>? Musk and Twitter an example. Would you prefer govt control of social media? If so, why not tell us that.

  4. 9:13

    You lie like a bitch.

    The FBI was in contact with former FBI officials at Twitter to squash things like Hunter laptop scandal from hurting Biden's chances at victory. We all know that so why did you bother to to post bitch?

    As for COVID of climate misinformation., I can judge that for myself. I took physics, chemistry and calc for a reason. Take your ass and go elsewhere.

  5. 9:13=9:25

    What a lame ass fucked troll.

    There are 4 other links besides the first one he was paid to whine about. They show the general trend of things. The general trend of things is why 9:13 (aka 9:25) decided to go with the flow and sacrifice all morals.

    If going with the flow meant fellating his boss; 9:13 would.

  6. We already know that the concept of a navy is outdated. So who cares if they float around with each other.

  7. If going with the flow meant fellating his boss; 9:13 would.

    classless remark stems no doubt from dna

  8. Why would you take that personally unless you were 9:13 and fit the remark to a t?
