Sunday, December 11, 2022

Russia Media Mocks Biden Administration For Prioritizing Griner Over Whelan


Zero Hedge: Russian Media Laughs At US Government's Woke Trade For Griner Instead Of Whelan 

While the Biden Administration does not represent half the country (some might argue far more than half) when it comes to principles, values, morals, intelligence, courage, common sense, etc., it unfortunately does represent all of us when it comes to the world stage and geopolitics.  

Millions of Americans are fully aware that the Brittney Griner prisoner swap for international arms dealer Viktor Bout is a bad trade, and that US Marine Paul Whelan, now imprisoned in Russia for two years, should have been included in the deal. We all know that Biden's agenda for this trade was based on winning woke points with his far-left base (and part of some unspoken arrangement with Saudi Arabia and UAE), but the prisoner swap is more than just foolish political gamesmanship, it is also an embarrassment for the US as a whole.  

Read more ...  

WNU Editor: According to John Bolton .... John Bolton: Paul Whelan-Viktor Bout prisoner swap was turned down by Trump administration (Washington Examiner).


Anonymous said...

Trade a mass murder/arms dealer for a private citizen, who may or may not have been set up.

KGB/FSB have been setting people up for over half a century. Read 20 or 30 years ago that if you are on business and check into your hotel room only to find a honey pot on the bed in the rented room, do not step inside the room. Immediately leave.

Whelan was stupid. He was looking for affirmation after being booted from the Marine Corps. Was he doing something else? I have to give it at least a 33% chance that the answer is no.

Not with the FSB track record.

Not with the track record of any intel agency of any major or middling power.

Anonymous said...

"When Jose Padilla, a Muslim terror convert was arrested, Human Rights First became his loudest defenders...

Secretary of State Blinken, who had been the vice chair of HRF’s board of directors, was put in charge of our overall foreign policy, and Matthew G. Olsen ..."

We cannot worry about Whelan.

The enemy is inside the gates. Not only are they inside the fortress but they are inside the keep. Running it.

Anonymous said...

Secretary of State Blinken, who had been the vice chair of HRF’s board of director

I thought Blinken was bad when I thought he was a whacked out liberal sucking up and a hanger-on to a hack politician (Joe Biden).

But no, Blinken advocates for terrorists, who kill or want to kill Americans.

Anonymous said...

Joe and the woke left support the ukies so it is all good. Why complain? These guys are the good guys right?

Anonymous said...

Whelan was jailed while Trump[ president. What did Trump even try to do!!NOTHING
Whelan did more bad shit after discharge from the military but you are so fucking busy badmouthing Biden that you skip that.

Anonymous said...

I blame Bud Lite

Anonymous said...

I blame Grant Wahl for making Eric Wahl gay.

Anonymous said...

takes one to know one

Anonymous said...

Nah, it just takes scientific knowledge. Not liberal wisdom.

"fraternal birth order effect."

Anonymous said...

no hard evidence for birth order. that notion is suggested NOT by science but by social scientists.
Blink bad? Why did Trump not even try to get the release of Americans in Russian jails? Not even try!

Anonymous said...

Fraternal birth order effect on sexual orientation explained

1) Social scientists are real scientists if the use the scientific method and use mathematics correctly.

2) No hard evidence? Then why is it being published and why do they have an biochemical mechanism identified?

Why do the Bayesian statistics work out?

3) Why did the Democrats suck up all the oxygen in the room during the Trump years. Bogus ~ 2 year Mueller investigation, 2 impeachments frivolous court cases, etc.

It was good entertainment. Democrats were touting Avenatti for president. Now he sits in jail.

Anonymous said...

Skoda is back

Anonymous said...

Whatever chode

Anonymous said...

This past week we found out that the State Department was, and probably still is, funding far-left activist fact-checkers to attack conservative media, politicians and personalities.

Anonymous said...

Kiss your mom with that potty mouth?

Anonymous said...

645 is an incest is best kind of Russian. that's redundant. Only need to say russian

Anonymous said...

Skoda, you are in rare form. Still twisted as ever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Low blow!

Anonymous said...

You'd make a great weather man. (not)

Anonymous said...

please ban this idiot

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, the webmaster is a free-speech advocate and his system probably cannot ban someone in this configuration if an anon uses even the most rudimentary software/system work-arounds to mask his/her provider account--whatever you call that identifier.

Or whatever the case may be.
But he doesn't close it up, because he knows that free discourse is supremely important.

So the few idiots here who abuse that freedom are can be nothing more than paid (or idealogical) disrupters. Or possesors of certain personality disorders, or allied to foreign nations--take your pick. Whatever it may be.

But anyone who makes these ad hominem idiocies isn't actually using this board correctly. Since any sane person would have to realize this--I lean toward paid disruptors or mentally ill.