Saturday, December 17, 2022

Serbia Formally Asks NATO That It Wants To Deploy Up To 1,000 Troops Into Northern Kosovo To Protect The Serb Population Serbia Seeks Troop Deployment in Kosovo  

Belgrade formally asked NATO if its troops could return to northern Kosovo, a request unlikely to be granted  

Serbia has formally asked NATO if it can deploy up to 1,000 troops into northern Kosovo, where Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic says ethnic Serbs are being “terrorized” by the Kosovo government based in Pristina. 

Vucic made the request to the commander of NATO forces in Kosovo, known as KFOR. Serbian officials say that a UN resolution that formally ended the Kosovo war allows for the deployment of up to 1,000 Serbian troops into Kosovo, but Vucic still doesn’t expect the request to be granted. 

“The request says that a certain number of (Serbian troops), from one hundred to up to 1,000, return to Kosovo,” he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The UN resolution that formally ended the Kosovo war allows for the deployment of up to 1,000 Serbian troops into Kosovo. But it looks like NATO is going to break this agreement and not permit this deployment.If agreements are not going to be honored, the usual outcome is conflict and in the case of the Balkans, war.

Update: This is not going to happen .... Kosovo submits formal request to join the EU, Serbia angry (AP).


Anonymous said...

".If agreements are not going to be honored, the usual outcome is conflict and in the case of the Balkans, war."

So... just like how Russia didn't honor the Minsk agreement and blatantly armed and threw mercs at Ukraine preceding the war.

Funny that.

Anonymous said...


You are way off base on your facts. It was the ukies who did not hold up the Minsk agreements and according to Poroschenko, (confirmed by Merkel 2 weeks ago) the Ukies had no intention of upholding that treaty.

The Serbs have been treated like second class citizens since the Clinton's Balkans war. It was Uncle Wille who set up the islamic Kosovo republic.. They even got a statue of him in a town square.

Those leaders in Pristina are a bunch of known thugs who deal in body parts.

Anonymous said...

What does terrorized mean? I know what the dictionary definition us. I am skeptical since people use 1 word descriptors all the time and demand that since they threw the descriptor out there, the argument is over.

Terrorized does not work as well as a 5 or 7 bullet point tweet. Grab attention and then have follow up documentation/detail.

Are gangs of Albanian youth running around beating people up.

Are their death threats via conversation or other means?

Are Albanians using the power of government to shut businesses down or throw people out of their homes? That is a way to drive people out. Abuse the law or make bad law.

I don't know what terrorized means and with all the other news sucking up the oxygen I am not going to look hard.

Anonymous said...

Pristina erecting a statue of Bubba Clinton in 2015 is not a reason to send 1,000 troops now (or then) and is not terrorism.

Body parts? that is accusation, If it is true it is still nothing. Now they are raiding Serbian villages to get those body parts, that is something.

The way you (2:14) argue, if you were American you would be a fan of Perez Hilton.

fazman said...

Exactly 💯

fazman said...'re kidding?, a bigger gang of thugs and murderers there has never been. You expect anyone would let Serbs run riot ?
The 1000 provision was incase nato couldn't handle it, they can.