Sunday, December 18, 2022

Slovak Government Falls After No-Confidence Vote


DW: Slovakia: Uncertainty ahead after government ousted 

Slovakia's parliament voted to topple the country's self-proclaimed anti-corruption, reformist government yesterday after two-and-a-half years in office. 

What happens next and how did it come to this? Slovakia's government, which was lead by the OLANO party (ORDINARY PEOPLE and Independent Personalities) and Prime Minister Eduard Heger, was brought down yesterday when 78 of the 120 MPs present in parliament backed a motion of no confidence in the government. 

The result came despite several rounds of protracted negotiations that sought to avert a negative outcome for the government. Heger's cabinet had been hoping to survive the vote right up until the end. Finance Minister Igor Matovic even offered to resign if the opposition withdrew its no-confidence motion.

MPs met in the chamber of the National Council at 5 p.m. (CET) ready to cast their votes, but discussions dragged on for another 90 minutes.  

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WNU Editor: I have lost count on how many governments and leaders have changed in Europe since the start of the Russia - Ukraine war. And while the war is not the reason why the government in Slovakia has fallen, the war is on everyone's mind. 

Slovak Government Falls After No-Confidence Vote

Slovak leader sets framework for early election after coalition government collapses -- AP  

Vote of no confidence topples Slovakia's government -- Euronews  

Slovak government falls after parliament no-confidence vote -- Politico

Explainer: Slovak Government Falls After No-Confidence Vote -- Visegrad Insight

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