Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The U.S. Border No Longer Exists

A group of 1,000 migrants, possibly the largest single group so far, crossed the Rio Grande River overnight to turn themselves in to US Border Patrol agents in El Paso, Texas  

Daily Mail: The ticking border time bomb: 1,000 migrants in the largest caravan in HISTORY crosses the Rio Grande into El Paso - with huge numbers being released onto the streets and just nine days until Title 42 ends 

* A group of 1,000 migrants crossed illegally into El Paso, Texas on Sunday night  

* It is possibly the largest single caravan so far to cross into the U.S. from Mexico 

* Migrants are mostly from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua 

* Comes just nine days before the expiration of Title 42, which allowed immediate expulsion of asylum-seekers during the COVID-19 pandemic 

* Before the mass migration over the weekend, Mexican police escorted nearly 20 buses full of migrants into Ciudad Juarez, Mexico 

More than 1,000 migrants streamed across the southern border into Texas on Sunday night in a dire indication of the chaos to come when Title 42 comes to an end in just nine days. 

The group from Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua - possibly the largest in history - ran across the Rio Grande into El Paso, where local officials are releasing hundreds of migrants back onto the streets and border officials are bracing for a surge in crossers. 

Footage shows the migrants wading through the water carrying belongings and then waiting in line on the river's bank to be processed by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials. 

Read more .... 

WNU editor: Here is an easy prediction. The US border has seen nothing yet. This migration crisis is going to explode into numbers that would have been unthinkable just a year ago.


Anonymous said...

What’s going to happen when the only solution is the military? I don’t think the US is going to make it to elections 2024. This is clear cut sabotage of the west from the inside out

Anonymous said...

^ First, who's going to order the military to do jack shit about it? Second, fat chance of that when half of military officers are woke-friendly.

Millions of future Democrats will flood in, courtesy of the "freebies" the Democrats promise, at our expense. Meanwhile, the shithole countries they're from keep shitting them out, courtesy of their extremist left-wing governments. The U.S.A. is toast, and half the electorate actually applauds it. Get your prep hardware NOW. You're gonna need it. Or your children.

Anonymous said...

3:08: Yeah, assuming "your children" still have the brains to think for themselves, after their K-12 brainwashing.

Anonymous said...

Sad but true. So do we learn Mandarin or Russian?

Anonymous said...

Fred voted for Biden.
Fred voted for this shit.
Fred is a bad person.
Fred will complain he did not want this and did not vote for it.
Point out that he voted consistently for people who have polices that make this policy and he has nothing but yelling, ad hominem and changing the subject. Fred may have a new tactic. Slinking away,

Anonymous said...

Pidgin English.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Four million entered last year. Six point four will enter in 2023. You cannot expect 10 million people to enter a country with high school education or thereabouts and not expect poverty in this day and age.

It would have worked in the 60s with factories in America, but so many of them have been offshored.

Biden is responsible as is his puppeteer Obama.

Matthew Putnam said...

I thought Fred died in a car fire? He is still out there peddling his giant collection of random child porn as a career and trolling WNU comment section part time? He doesnt own his own name anymore and all the carbon copy leftist Bot anon's sound the same with their childish posts based on their passionate ideological yeast infection, so I didnt notice I guess. Boooooo :(

Anonymous said...

Fred used his name 1/2 week ago and then bugged out again.

Anonymous said...

This is great. Mathew, me and Skoda are all going to end up in the Manzinar death , i mean re-education camp.
And no SMARTY. not as guards, but as prisoners