Saturday, December 10, 2022

These Are The World's Largest Arms-Producing Companies

Zero Hedge: These Are The World's Largest Arms-Producing Companies 

For the first time in over 30 years, and in a tightly-controlled presentation, the United States unveiled a new strategic bomber on Friday. 

The nuclear-capable B-21 Raider is expected to enter service in 2027 and is seen as a major part of the States' response to military buildup by China. The estimated cost was also revealed: The plane's manufacturer, Northrop Grumman, can expect $700m per aircraft.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Chinese companies now holds the #5 and #6 spot.


Anonymous said...

Does not solely matter how many weapons you have. You have to have the will to fight. that comes first.

Sadly this is Joe Biden's America.

SICK: US Army Col. Poses in Uniform with “Pup Mask” – Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed!

Anonymous said...

And there are people on this blog that insist that America is not a degenerate nation and not getting more perverted every year.

Note that the Russians are perfect, but who has made degeneracy a matter of public policy?


Certainly not the Russians

So keep on supporting the Ukraine who also follows USA policy.

Which side are you on??
The side of blatantly evil policy makers or on the side of those who are holding the line against this type of behavior?

That's a 1 choice answer, there is no in-between.

Anonymous said...

easy choice!
ask: what nation (hint: Russia) invaded another nation (hint: Ukraine) to steal land and resources?
Fuck Russia and fuck Putin

Anonymous said...

You mean like the US in Syria taking the oil? Or Maybe our glorious take over of Iraq where Halliburton and other US companies made millions?

Keep whistling past the grave yard

No, your ideological bent is overriding your critical thinking and btw no reason to use profanity. Your view point is quite clear without it.

Anonymous said...

In Syria the Kurds get the oil money.

In Iraq a dictator who had invaded 3 countries was replaced with a parliament. The sale of oil was by auction and the Chinese outbid everyone.

Secretly 9:11 wants to be a pup.

Anonymous said...

8:44 AM
One of the interesting things about low IQs is that dummies do not even know how dumb they sound when they post stup[id shit

Anonymous said...

More Biden Golden Age pup news

Case closed! Moment Biden's non-binary energy secretary 'stole' woman's $320 Away-brand suitcase stuffed with over $3,000-worth of jewelry, clothes and makeup in Las Vegas during 'second airport theft'

Sam Brinton is not fired, because is is a Democrat role model.

they are teaching your kids to bel like Sam


Anonymous said...

9:26 AM
I am not defending American policies or its long history of interference in other nations. I am simply pointing out that Russia invaded Ukraine. We--or most of us--are supporting Ukraine. NATO also supports Ukraine. Now if you choose to support Putin, so be it. Many nations had Hitler supporters within their nation even when they went to war against the Axis.

Anonymous said...

a. America is wicked. I am leaving and will move to another country
b. America was fine when Trump was president for 4 years. Now it is not good and was not good before Trump.
c. America is bad. I live in Russia and adore our leader, Putin.

Anonymous said...

No you are stretching it and making the argument convoluted.

I am just pointing out basic facts.

This is not a Trump vs Biden or Dem vs Rep issue

This is a long time evolution of the West that is inescapable.

And if you are a Traditionalist, you need to realize that at the current moment you are on the wrong side of moral / cultural history. But you need to fight and ensure you are choosing the side that fits your moral beliefs.

That is a fact.

The secondary part of this Ukie Ruskie war is: ... who are you going to support? The folks who have similar moral beliefs as you, or the degenerate atheist amoral progressives.

The Ukies are supported by the West and follow the West's same culture imperatives.

Therefore, by supporting The Ukraine (and if Ukraine wins) you will be supporting the further spread of the liberal progressive LBGTQxyz agenda.

Above is a logical and clear, a step by step line of thought..

Please if you can, staying on course....., the subject being the world moral fight between Traditional values and progressive values.

Tell me how this argument is flawed?

Its your choice ....I merely point the ugly facts.

But let's get a little closer to home.

Considering this subject and this subject alone.......

Where would you want to send your kids to school?

USA, Fairfax county where the kids are told that sex change is ok and talk about puberty blockers or a school in Russia where this subject...if it ever is discussed, is called what it is: degenerate, perversion and evil.

You get the idea.

For all you who understand, do not be confused. This is a spiritual fight as well as a material one.

If the West wins, They will think that they are vindicated and that their moral outlook is superior.
It will come back to bite all the deplorables in this county in the neck. Yes, they hate all of us. Why? Because we exist.

If the west fails it will help delegitimize the progressive belief and their smug sense of invincibility.

Anonymous said...

Derf or Derp,

you have to provide real alternatives and try to list all alternatives. No 3 of 5, 4 of 6 or whatever

"b. America was fine when Trump was president for 4 years."

If that was true the rolling thunder coup against Trump would not have succeeded.

"Your taxpayer dollars at work: Latest Twitter Files reveal how FBI nudged firm to censor conservative who alleged electoral fraud - while staffers discussed punishing ex-Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee over obvious joke"

You're just not good at this Derp

Anonymous said...

The daily tabloid (your source for truth), is full of beans. That story has been discounted and laughed at by sensible folks. google and find how and why it is now discounted as bullshit. and no I do not do your work for you since you seem to rely on daily mail

Anonymous said...

tired of winning? trump

Anonymous said...

Yeah, shadow banning never happened and never happens. I love your tells. Keep outgassing

Anonymous said...

Russia saved the Donbass which was being brutalized by a NATO created force of mercenaries and ideologically fascist murderers. Call it an invasion if you want but saving civilian lives is not morally wrong.

Anonymous said...

Donbas was different. Half the population spoke only Russian while the other half spoke Ukrainian and usually Russian as well. The two languages are very similar with Ukrainian pronouncing many words differently and have many unique words. This is similar to how English is spoken in the United States and Britain as well as English speaking areas worldwide. Ukrainian and Russian are two dialects of the same language that evolved over a thousand years ago around Kyiv in the south and Moscow in the north. In the 20th Century Russia (Soviet Union) made serious efforts to suppress the teaching or use of Ukrainian. This failed and only made Ukrainians more determined to achieve permanent independence, which finally happened in 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. Russia decided to end that independence in 2022 with an invasion of the entire country. That failed.

The Russians should have understood this based on what happened in Crimea and Donbas after 2014. Most of the people in these three areas considered themselves Ukrainian and that pro-Ukraine attitude grew stronger after 2014. In 2014 Russia discovered that most of the Donbas Russians were loyal to Ukraine and tried to solve that problem by sending in Russians who pretended to be Donbas residents. These outsiders provided most of the armed men who comprised the separatist militias that took control of about half of the two Donbas provinces in 2014. Russia found some Donbas natives to join up too, and often served as officials in the separatist governments. There was a lot of infighting among the various Donbas separatist militias and Russian sent in spetsnaz to remove the most troublesome militia leaders. This usually meant just killing enough of them to reduce the infighting. By then (2016) Russia had signed a ceasefire with Ukraine that halted most of the fighting. Russia constantly violated the ceasefire agreement and tore it up in 2022.

1:18, you are as useless as Poster.

Anonymous said...

didnt read

Anonymous said...

no you wouldn't read, so inconvenient

Anonymous said...

degenerate atheist amoral progressives.

when someone says shit like this I know he is an asshole

Anonymous said...

Yeah I ain't got time for that. I'm happy for you though. Or sorry that happened, whatever it is.

Anonymous said...

An Evangelical minister and former longtime anti-abortion activist told members of Congress that he helped recruit wealthy conservative donors to serve as “stealth missionaries” at the US Supreme Court, where they developed friendships with conservative justices that aligned with the group’s “social and religious” views. The “overarching” goal of Robert Schenck’s “Operation Higher Court” sought to “gain insight into the conservative justices’ thinking and to shore up their resolve to render solid, unapolog

Source: Former anti-abortion lobbyist Robert Schenck testifies to House committee about ‘stealth missionaries’ at Supreme Court | The Independent

Anonymous said...

Nah, I did not think a friggin loser would have no time to read a 2 paragraph summary of the Russian takeover of Donbass. 8 years of history in a nutshell.

You did not disappoint.

What happened? You did. Now recompute.

Anonymous said...

This started a lovely conversation.

But I see that no one came up with a step by step refutation of the original question. But no worries, there is always tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

more winning tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Mr 10 14 is an individual who takes facts and twists them..


So if someone steals your car and gives to some one else that is ok and honest? Yes or no? If no then, what right do we have to steal Syrian oil and give it to the Kurds.

The Chinese won the contracts after the USA lost influence.

Are you denying that our oil companies did not make millions of dollars in that war?

Are you denying that the whole weapons of Mass destruction excuse to invade was a lie? That was the primary reason given by the Bush administration

Anonymous said...

Why are you asking these guys to make a moral choice? They would not know the hard right from the easy wrong if it jumped up and slapped them in the face.'
They are dunces. The think they are supporting of some great crusade against Russia. What they are really doing is simply repeating the MSM /BLOB narrative. There is no hope for them so save your breath. They will go on believing that they are right even after the hangman puts the noose around their neck.

Hopeless and brainwashed. Their motto.....Bah bah Bah. ......sheeple right , you wrong.

Kind of like a NPC saying "Orange man bad."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And you are just as boring, as well as something B is not--a low-class shit-stirring cad, attempting to destroy discourse. I wonder why.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol so true

Anonymous said...

No just wondering if you have three heads to match your last three posts.

The discourse remains the same, it is just the posters who responded to it gave illogical or discordant responses.

By the way, you are not going any better even after three tries.