Friday, December 16, 2022

Ukraine's Top Generals Believe The Next Russian Offensive Will Be To Take Kyiv

General Zaluzhny believes 300 tanks, 600 armoured vehicles and 500 artillery guns would allow him to push Russia back to the pre-invasion borders 

Daily Mail: 'I have no doubt Russia will have another go at Kyiv': Putin is building a 200,000-man army for a SECOND attack on Ukraine's capital that could start within WEEKS, country's top general warns 

* Valery Zaluzhny, head of the Ukrainian armed forces, believes Putin is currently building a new 200,000-man army somewhere deep within Russia  

* It will be used to mount another attack on Kyiv possibly in January, Zaluzhny said  

* With 300 tanks, 600 armoured vehicles, and 500 howitzers Zaluzhny believes he can not only stop the assault but push Russia back to pre-invasion lines  

Russia is building a new 200,000-man army for a second attack on Kyiv that could begin in weeks, Ukraine's top general has warned. 

Valery Zaluzhny, head of the Ukrainian armed forces, believes Vladimir Putin is turning his newly-mobilised men into armies somewhere deep inside Russia which he will throw into fresh attacks on Ukraine. 

When Putin first invaded Ukraine in February, he did so with a force around 175,000 men. If General Zaluzhny is correct, any even larger army is already on its way.   

Read more ....  

Update: Head of Ukraine's military says he has 'no doubt' the Russians 'will have another go at Kyiv' as Putin adds more troops to his army (Insider).  

WNU editor: Other top Ukrainian Generals are saying the same thing .... Ukraine 'preparing' for Russia to invade from north, top commander says (SKY News). 

As to what is my take. 

I am not a General nor do I have access to the intelligence that they have. But I do sense that these Ukrainian Generals want the Russian military to launch an offensive against Kyiv, which then tells me that Russia will not be conducingt such an operation. 

So where will this massive Russian Army that is being assembled strike next? 

Russian President Putin at the beginning of the war said that "liberating" the Donbas was the primary Russian objective, followed by degrading the Ukrainian military into an insignificant force. I think that objective is still the primary one, which is why my gut is telling me that the next Russian offensive will be in eastern Ukraine with the focus on seizing all of the Donbas.


  1. Replies
    1. But then again I thought Putin was just flexing in feb.

    2. Agreed as well

  2. I don't have any access to any US or Russian military intel either. But I can compare the hard, determined look in that Russian general's face to the passive, soft, arrogance in the faces of Milley, Kirby and Biden.

    The difference is striking.

  3. This is for all you rah rah ukies fans in this blog.

    Are you liars or are these generals liars?

    Because all we have been hearing from you for weeks is that Russia is finished.

    All Russian tanks have been destroyed. The Russians have no artillery left. Russian APCs have all been captured or rendered useless.

    Russians have no more troops to field, they are all running away.

    Crimea will be re-taken soon.

    More and more of this we have had to endure. This was really confusing due to the fact we did not know if our figures were way off or you all were just making it all up.

    We tried to tell you all that the Russians are far from finished. And these Ukrainians Generals now agree with us.

    and SKODA. Do not try to weasel out of this and say something idiotic like " I never said".

    and give us a lecture on Sargon the Mighty , Zimri Lim or Ashurbanipal, the Skoda tank works or zebras

    and try to cover your were one of the worst ones here.

    So, I ask again, are the Generals lying or are you all?

    You both cannot be right.

    (This is going to be hilarious. Cannot wait to see what old skoda has to say about this one...Hahahahahaha)

  4. Massive Russian army?

    Depleted Russian army with the addition of rabble kaka peons

    Peon is not a nice word, but it is appropriate because that is how Putin and others are misusing them.

    The best Russian formation is Wagner and it has been hammering at Bakhmut for 3 months or so. Wagner is Russian army veterans and theya re getting sick of the high casualties.

    In June Russia was firing 60,000 shells per day.

    Now it is 20,000.

    In 2 or 3months the Russians will be using 40 year old shells that age like a fine wine.

    Russia has enough artillery ammo for 1 more year.

  5. The " Massive Russian army" refers back to the Ukie general's description of the Russian forces SUPPOSEDLY being assembled for this assault that the UKIE GENERALs SAY. (not the editor saying this) is going to happen.

    You of course are smart enough to recognize that the term "massive" is non specific in nature. Is 50 tanks massive? 100? 342? it is relative to the situation. But let's not get tied up in semantics.

    So are the UKIE Generals full of Ka ka?

    According to your NEW calculations the Ruskies have only enough arty ammo for 1 year. That is if your calculations are correct. Who knows? But according to some of those here, they were supposedly going to run out of ammo this month. Guess that ain't happening and Russians also have the power to make tanks magically appear.

    OR are the Russians slowing down arty usage not because they are short ammo but because they are short of targets? Or made both?

    But you say they have enough ammo for one year....that is a long long time in a combat zone. More than enough time to do what has to be done.

    The Wagner's are tired? I would not doubt that. Every unit engaged on that front is probably tired.

    And I will tell you the truth, except for an extremely small percentage on both sides, most of those guys cannot wait to get the hell out of there.

  6. 7:56

    a) gay
    b) inccel
    c) does not matter. any which way they are a whackjob

  7. 7;56

    Has to be skoda.


  8. Concerning Mr. 7:56

    Mr. Skoda is in a painful situation both emotionally and intellectually.

    He has run up against a wall of cognitive dissidence. i.e.

    Where his cemented world view meets a wall of undeniable, opposing facts to that same world view.

    It is at this point he always defaults to predictable behavior of name calling.

    Happens every time and is quite predictable in his case.

    Watch for it in future blog posts, it is quite easy to pick out.

    He might use this current situation as a learning experience. We can only hope.

  9. Agreed. Self-evident.

  10. Very nice to see someone with a bit of sense talking the obvious at long last
