Tuesday, December 6, 2022

U.S. Officials Now Publicly Stating They Had No Invovlement In Ukraine's Attack On One Of Russia's Nuclear Triads


WION: 'Not encouraging' Ukraine strikes into Russia, says US 

The United States said on Tuesday (local time) that it was "not encouraging" Ukraine to carry out strikes inside Russia. The statement from US has come after several drone attacks on Russian airbases. 

These attacks are widely being perceived as having been carried out by Ukraine. Kyiv hasn't yet claimed responsibility. 

"We are not enabling Ukraine to strike beyond its borders; we are not encouraging Ukraine to strike beyond its borders," State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.

"Everything we are doing -- everything the world is doing to support Ukraine -- is in support of Ukraine's independence," he said.  

Read more ....  

Update: Live: US 'not encouraging' drone strikes in Russia, State Department says (France 24)  

WNU editor: As this blog pointed out earlier today. Many in Russia believe the White House gave the green-light to Ukraine to attack one of Russia's nuclear triads. 

But I am not worried on what Russian social media is saying. What worries me are recent actions from the Kremlin. 

Russian President Putin, after making public appearances everyday for the past week, has now disappeared. Other officials who have been making a number of public appearances for the past week have also disappeared. There are also rumors floating around that Russian nuclear forces are now at high alert. These rumors are not new. But what is new is that there has been no denial or remarks from the Kremlin on the status of its nuclear forces. In the past they would have simply denied it while saying it is not their policy to make public the readiness status of these forces. But that has not happened today.

But the US response to this crisis has also been telling. 

For much of yesterday the US mainstream media has been downplaying this attack. The narrative has been that this was another great Ukrainian victory, and another example of Russian military weakness and vulnerabilities. There has also been little if any word from the US government. The only one who said anything on this strike was from U.S. Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland who kinda/sorta said that it looks like Ukraine was involved (link here).

Everything changed this afternoon. It looks like someone in the US State Department finally realized that they better say something before the situation gets out of hand (see above video).

Update #2: It looks like there is a lot of scrambling happening in Washington right now. US Secretary of State Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Austin are now publicly coming out and saying that the U.S. had nothing to do with this Ukrainian attack on one of Russia's nuclear triads. That this was an operation conducted by Ukraine only .... US issues denials after Ukraine strikes inside Russia (RT). 

The problem with these denials is that no one in Moscow believes in this US administration anymore.

As to what do I believe. 

These recent 3 Ukrainian attacks deep into Russia are not going to change the course of the war. To make a dent Ukraine must send hundreds of strikes deep into Russia, and to do so constantly. But they cannot do it. 

So why launch the strikes?

Upon reflection I think it only confirms what I have been feeling for the past two months, and what I have been hearing from my contacts, friends and family members who are still in Ukraine.

Everyone is desperate in Ukraine right now, including the government. What scares me are reports like this one .... that this could have been an attempt to escalate the war as this former CIA officer believes it was .... Ukraine trying to drag US into war – ex-CIA officer (RT).


  1. Thank-you very much WNU.

  2. Well, saying is different from assesing UKRAINIANS to target those bases. Satélite images and coordination from AWACS.

  3. The fact that the attack killed and injured personnel near the bombers means they were being prepared for that days missile strike. Ukraine knew the day of the attack, most likely through US satellite intel. although a source inside the base informing the Ukrainians or some kind of intel unit surveilling the base is possible, but less likely in my opinion. In any case it shows that Russian strategic assets are seriously exposed. The Russians are only fortunate that the attack didn't do serious damage. Those bombers are not easily replaced.

  4. "most likely through US satellite intel."

    Caucus would most likely be correct. The other part was the CIA director telling the Ukrainians that, if they did strike, the US would still support them.

    Ned Price and the rest backtracking is not to create confusion or strategic ambiguity IMO. It is showing their cowardice. They are acting like babies with colic. We have not heard a lot from Pencil Neck Ned lately, but he is the perfect pick to go out and cry like a baby.

    What would have happened if a boomer had launched cruise missiles at Saddam and Saddam's forces had satellite or somehow backtracked the course of the missile and launched a retaliatory strike that damaged the boomer. Would it be all "OMG Saddam struck part of our triad!"

    - It really takes some nerve to take nuclear bombers
    - load cruise missiles onto them
    - have the bombers fly donuts over the Caspian sea
    - Let loose volleys of cruise missiles at Ukraine's infrastructure
    - Fly back to base inside Russia
    - get ready to rinse and repeat
    - Expect Ukrainian elderly to freeze to death and Ukraine to do nothing'

    WNU has that type of nerve.

    I nominate WNU as candidate for Prime Minister of Russia. He has the nerve.

    A Putin/WNU ticket!

    What could be better than that?

  5. Always note the type of language used when US officials don't want to tell the truth or have "plausible deniability."

    We did not ENCOURAGE the Ukraine
    What exactly does that mean?

    I can tell you this having worked for those guys..

    The US knew this was going to happen before it did.
    The US most likely provided support for this operation and does the same for all key operations in the Ukraine.

    The ukies are desperate right now and I do not blame them. For them, this war is do or die.

    Editor is right, they are desperate and desperate people do desperate things.

    An Adorian acquaintance once said......

    Don't push the pink skins too close to the thin ice.

    That goes for the Russians also.

  6. I am sure someone from the US knew about and gave support to Ukraine for this strike. Maybe a contractor, cia agent, state department associate, intel officer, someone from our meddling government was involved at some level.


  7. It is not meddling, when you straight forwardly cross the border with tanks, break thing and kill people like Hitler or Putin.

    Is it meddling, when you poison people?

    SEP/01/2004 Viktor Yushchenko
    NOV/01/2006 Alexander Litvinenko
    MAR/04/2018 Sergei and Yulia Skripal

    Russian meddling err business is none of our bees wax.

    Got it. TY for enlightening us.

  8. Hooked a russian troll (10:19). Must be a 300 pounder as constipated as it is.

    How is enumerating Russian poisoning people trolling.

    Russia did or did not do it.

    Personally, I think all those posionings were carried out by the Amish or Mennonites. Very violent people those

  9. Wnu is spouting Russian nonsense again. It's not desperation but a act of tactical ingenuity. The Russisn response is proof that the cage was rattled . Lucky it missed or a Russian line up of 8 could have been destroyed .

  10. Ukraine had been under attack, I cant see any reason that it need US to prohibit or to allow them to retalliate.
