Tuesday, December 20, 2022

US President Biden Admits The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Dead But The White House Is 'Not Gonna Announce It'

Daily Mail: Leaked footage captures Biden ADMITTING that Obama's Iran nuclear deal is 'dead' but say his administration is 'NOT gonna announce it': Warns Tehran 'WILL have a nuclear weapon' 

* The Biden administration had faced growing pressure from Iranian-American activists and others to cease negotiations with the Iranian government 

* 'We just don't want any deals with the Mullahs. They don't represent us,' one woman told Biden  

* 'I know they don't represent you. But they have a nuclear weapon they'll represent,' Biden shot back  

New video has emerged of President Biden saying that a revised version of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal his White House was brokering is 'dead' and claiming that Iran has a nuclear weapon.  

Biden was meeting with supporters and Iranian activists during a campaign rally with Democratic Rep. Mike Levin in Oceanside, California on November 4. 

As members of the crowd held up cellphones displaying the message 'FREE IRAN,' one woman asked the president: 'President Biden can you please announce that JCPOA is dead? Can you just announce that?' 

'No,' he told her. 'No, why not?' she asked. 'A lot of reasons. It is dead, but we're not gonna announce it,' Biden said.  

The clip was obtained and posted to Twitter by Iranian activist Damon Maghsoudi.  

Read more ....

Update: Does Biden Calling Iran Nuclear Deal Dead Reveal Real US Thinking? (Iran International).  

WNU Editor: This blog has been saying for a long time that the original 2015 nuclear deal is dead. So I am not surprised to hear this admission from the US President, even though he is saying the White House is not going to announce it. Cough cough .... Mr. President, you are the White House and you just officially annoucned it.

The US media and the wire services have yet to report on this story.


  1. would please show us the list since you seem to have it handy?

  2. 11:57,

    You do not believe WWNU?

    After what we have seen of Twitter, you think Google is different?

    At least you keep your lies and trolling short. Only 13 words. Give you more time to troll other sites, which is lucky for you because end of the year ratings are coming up.

  3. 11:57,

    Do not forget James either.

    Your type don't/ you cannot spina wrench, drive a truck, code or anything useful, but you can keep tabs on people for you superiors.


  4. July 22, 2020 at 10:19 AM

    "prove otherwise. asserting something does not make it so" - Former, Retired Persona

  5. If you make a claim about a list, then I simply ask to see that list. If you can not show me a list you allege then there is absolutely no reason to accept your claim. I am a billionaire. There you have seen my claim so it must be true.
    I have any number of times used Google and other search engines to get to this site and have had no problems whatsoever.

  6. “One possibility is that sites on this blacklist are being penalized, and the glitch was that the penalty was accidentally set so high that these sites were effectively removed from Google search,” Wacker said. “I’ve found that a lot of people tend to conflate algorithms with AI since they’re both automated, but AI isn’t as objective and mechanical as algorithms are.”

    If the penalty values(s) or websites are in a table, it is easy or change the penalty value on a weekly, daily or hourly. You can set the penalty value to 80%, 90% or 99% for period of time and then set it back.

    You would have to audit Google returns on a frequent basis to be able to prove it.

    If you had wanted (You did not), you could have followed the link and see a screenshot of Google returning erroneous results.

    12:32, you really are servile lapdog. One day your masters are going to make you lap up your vomit for fun.

  7. putting a link about a former worker who is suing because Google (he claims) discriminates against white males, and that appears in the moonie (unification church) right-wing paper is hardly evidence of anything. You are citing a claim made by a guy whose case has not been heard.
    Now, since you are so busy badmouthing me: I seldom use Google since they keep info on searchers using their site. There are a number of search engines. If you feel Google not fair, use one of those. Now please tell us how you feel about Twitter and censorship

  8. "and that appears in the moonie (unification church) right-wing paper"

    Wow, you have to be 50 or 60 or older to catch that reference. Reverend Moon BTW purchased the Washington Times not the Washington Examiner.

    It is so hard keeping the newspapers straight. Isn't it Mr. Liberal?

    Washington Examiner
    Washington Times
    Washington Post

    Question: Who is the owner of The Washington Examiner?

    Answer: Clarity Media Group

    Question: Who owns Clarity Media Group?

    Answer: Fred Anschutz

    "The publication now known as the Washington Examiner began its life as a handful of suburban news outlets known as the Journal Newspapers, distributed not in Washington D.C. itself, but only in the suburbs of Washington: Montgomery Journal, Prince George's Journal, and Northern Virginia Journal.[7] Philip Anschutz purchased the parent company, Journal Newspapers Inc., in October 2004.[3][8][9] On February 1, 2005, the paper's name changed to the Washington Examiner, and it adopted a logo and format similar to those of another newspaper then owned by Anschutz, San Francisco Examiner."


    Fred please try to keep up.
