Monday, January 2, 2023

Washington Capitals Hockey Superstar Alex Ovechkin Could Be Banned From Entering Canada

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, shakes hands with ice hockey national team forward Alexander Ovechkin while receiving a team jersey at a reception honoring the victory of the ice hockey national team at the Ice Hockey World Championship, in the Kremlin in Moscow on May 27, 2014. (THE CANADIAN PRESS / AP, Yuri Kadobnov)

Daily Mail: With a letter demanding he be BANNED from Canada until he denounces the War in Ukraine, how much longer can Alex Ovechkin continue supporting Vladimir Putin... as his ties to the Russian leader further complicate his legacy as one of hockey's best scorers 

* Just days ago, Alex Ovechkin scored his 802nd goal - moving to second all-time 

* But off-ice, arguably the greatest Russian hockey player ever has ties to Putin 

* He has also previously supported the Russian leader through a social movement 

* With Putin's number in his phone, Ovechkin's legacy could come into question 

The hockey legacy of Alexander Mikhailovich Ovechkin is set in stone. Since being drafted in 2004, he's been generally regarded as one of the greatest players of his generation.  

And in the grand scope of Russia's storied hockey history, 'Ovi' could go down as the country's best, topping such legendary names as Sergei Fedorov, Vladislav Tretiak, Pavel Bure and Soviet hero Valeri Kharlamov. 

But the one name that could be a threat to his legacy is not a player, or a coach, or a team. It's Vladimir Putin. 

Read more ....  

Update: Reports that Ovechkin could be banned from entering Canada (Hockey Feed)  

WNU Editor: Alex Ovechkin is not breaking any laws, and he is not posing a risk to the public. You can disagree with his political beliefs, but until he commits a crime or until he poses a risk to the public there should be no reason to ban him from legally crossing an international border. 

But I know that we do not live in normal times. And when the head of the Russian Orthodox can be banned from entering Canada .... Canada Imposes Sanctions On The Head Of The Russian Orthodox Church (Jul 10, 2022), why not a hockey player.


  1. Alex Ovechkin should be able to give interviews and state his opinion.

    If Alex Ovechkin states his opinion on ice, I think the team could let him go. I am tired of players being political during a game or sportscast.

    It is especially egregious to ban him when no war has been declared. There is a war, but politicians including Putin have egregiously abdicated their responsibility of selling it to the public and openly voting for it. It is almost as if they are scared of putting it n the record and attaching their name to it (Putin included).

    War or no war this show the new governing style of supposedly elected officials in Canada, the US, and Europe. This is part and parcel of Justin Castor debanking lockdown protesters. Or the Left debanking Second Amendment supporters and anyone else.

    It is related to its cousins shadow banning, black lists, and demonetizing.

    Morally Alex is on the wrong side. As the preacher said at the pulpit, both side in a fight can be wrong and therefore sinning. Just because the other side is wrong does not guarantee that you are right.

  2. This is Russo-Phobia on steroids. I can’t wait to see the double standards if/when Turkey invades northern Syria and commits genocide against the Kurds. Canada is also waging a war on hockey at the moment as it is deemed “too white” and must be racially equified.

  3. Anyone who opposes the will of the tyrannical left are by definition breaking the law.
    Wrong think. Not on the books yet, but give them 1-2 more "elections", and we will be there.
    No traveling, no carbon, no nothing for you if you are oppose what the oh so liberal left wants you have to think and say

  4. Strike 1 : Climate Change
    NDP MP declares war on hockey — wants all indoor ice melted over 'climate crisis'

    Strike 2: Too White
    NHL Diversity Chief Says There Are Too Many White People, Promises to 'Fix' the 'Problem'

    Strike 3: Alex Ovechkin is Russian and supports his country.

    About Strike 2: So called conservative, white people are thrilled to have black country music singers and black NASCAR drivers. Until they go woke.

    About Strike: They could give Alex Ovechkin a fair but hard interview. that would mean reading a lot of history and that would be hard for the news readers ... err reporter.

    Canadian politicians have a little STASI in them.

    First World War internment camps a dark chapter in Canadian history

    Maybe Alex Ovechkin would be foolish to come back to Canada. Justin Trudeau, I mean Justin Castro, might intern him without declaring war or proving espionage.

    Is 12:11 or 12:13 Russian trolls? Does it matter. Certain politicians are so egregiously wrong gifting anyone with such low hanging fruit that anyone citizen or good person around the world should point out.

    The Russians should get some of Justin Trudeau's DNA and publish the findings. How long would the political dynasty last then?

  5. Ban the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. Our government doesn't need to have it's strings pulled by foreign interest groups, we get fucked enough by the domestic villains.
