Thursday, June 29, 2023

Has U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Interferred In The Handling Of The Hunter Biden Investigation?

NYT: Competing Accounts of Justice Dept.’s Handling of Hunter Biden Case 

At a Senate hearing in March, Senator Charles E. Grassley, Republican of Iowa, spent seven minutes grilling Attorney General Merrick B. Garland about the Hunter Biden investigation, reading a series of unusually specific queries from a paper in his hands. 

Did David C. Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in Delaware kept on under Mr. Garland to continue overseeing the inquiry, have full authority to bring charges against President Biden’s son in California and Washington if he wanted to? Had Mr. Weiss ever asked to be made a special counsel? Was the investigation truly insulated from political considerations? 

Read more ....  

Update: NYT quietly confirms the allegation that Merrick Garland lied to Congress about Hunter (  

WNU Editor: The US Attorney General has responded (see video below). As to what is my take. There are two different takes on this case. Are a bunch of whistleblowers lying, or is the US Attorney General lying? Quoting Glenn Reynolds from Instapundit on why this story is important .... 

 .... “But these latest allegations are far more serious: they include perjury on the part of the Attorney General, and lying to Congress on the part of Weiss. If true, both men are theoretically in legal jeopardy, and any fig leaf that the case wasn’t rigged–we all know it was, but couldn’t prove it–flies off into the winds of a hurricane. Well, according to the NYT, they have confirmed at least one of the allegations made by the whistleblower: that Weiss enquired about charging Biden in California on charges related to crimes he committed there (even federal crimes are charged in the jurisdiction in which they took place) and he was denied permission to do so.”  



Anonymous said...

Time for the eastern block of countries to “weapons of mass destruction” the United States and Canada and take these corrupt governments out of business. Wishful thinking, I know. But somethings gotta give. The level of corruption is too much

Anonymous said...

no not wishful thinking--it would be the stink smelled round the world ushering in Mad Max times, then darkest savagery....

Anonymous said...

The republic is in a really dangerous position when the two leading crime families are vying for control so that the other one can't lock them in a cage. The stakes are immeasurably higher than when it was a simple competition to determine who gets to loot the treasury for the next 4 years. To people in that position, triggering catastrophe is often preferable to losing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone says the US dodged a bullet when Garland was not confirmed to SCOTUS.

I d not know if Garland is that stupid or deluded or if he is just angry. He might be so angry at being denied a seat on the court that he will do anything that is asked of him by the White House.