Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Apologizes On Behalf Of Canada's Parliament After A Nazi Veteran Was Praised By Parliamentarians At Zelenskyy Event Last Week


CBC: Trudeau apologizes after a Nazi veteran was praised by parliamentarians at Zelenskyy event  

Yaroslav Hunka was a member of the 1st Galician division, a unit of Adolf Hitler's war machine 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized on behalf of Canada's Parliament after a veteran of Adolf Hitler's Nazi forces was included in an event last week honouring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"This was a mistake that has deeply embarrassed Parliament and Canada. All of us who were in this House on Friday regret deeply having stood and clapped even though we did so unaware of the context," Trudeau said in a brief statement to reporters.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The damage has already been done. 

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Apologizes On Behalf Of Canada's Parliament After A Nazi Veteran Was Praised By Parliamentarians At Zelenskyy Event  

Trudeau offers ‘unreserved’ apology after tribute to man who fought with Nazis -- Global News  

Trudeau apologizes for presence, recognition of Nazi unit veteran in Parliament -- Canadian Press  

Trudeau apologizes for recognition of Nazi unit war veteran in Canadian Parliament -- AP 

Canada's House Speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian who fought for Nazis -- BBC  

Trudeau apologizes for tribute to vet who fought in WWII Nazi unit -- Politico  

Canada's Trudeau apologizes for honoring Ukrainian Waffen SS Nazi -- RT


  1. Are his eyebrows falling off again? This thing has no dignity whatsoever. The fact he has so much support in all the right places is a indication of the moral and intellectual rot that is at the core of most large cities in the west. Without healthy cities, we’re essentially reduced to tribes and will not last on the international stage.

  2. And meanwhile, Russians are doing this to their prisoners -

    Of course, you won't EVER see this pop up on WNU's blog.

    1. We just honoured an actual SS Nazi in parliament. He was a rifleman in one of the worst SS divisions and most certainly committed atrocities against innocent people. Good try deflecting you POS lefty loony

  3. "one of the worst SS divisions and most certainly committed atrocities against innocent people."

    You opened your mouth now prove it.

    There were over 20 SS divisions. Closer to 30. Rank them. Provide a metric and then provide back up details.

    I make a distinction between Einsatzgruppen and Waffen SS. Some of the latter were bad too. Definitely the former.

    The SS was a political part's attempt to wrest control of the functions of state from organizations of state older than it.

    Saddam had his Republican Guard
    Hitler/Himmler had the SS to replace the Wehrmacht.

    Obama: We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

    Under Obama and Biden the 'government' has made huge huge ammuntion purchases for non-DoD agencies.

    1. @529……you are actually defending what Canada did? You want me to prove that the SS division this man was in committed atrocities? Poland is asking for him to be deported. How many conservatives and republicans have you called Nazis since Trump got elected I wonder? Canada is showing its true colours here, and maybe you should research the thousands of Ukrainian SS soldiers that were resettled in England after the war. We have quite a history of not only harbouring war criminals, but rewarding them. Shame on you for looking the other way.

  4. 7:20

    STFU Bitch. I am not going to knee jerk condemn someone because someone else demands it. I have been called MAZI as have my parent(s) by educators and school kids in K-12. No membership in an organization or any military. Born after the fact. Could not tell you who any politician was at the time other than the president. But got the NAZI label.

    I have mixed race kids. No way I am going to cotton to any racist ideology and they are Heinz 57 of them out there and more.

    If I had to guess, you are one of those monsters that insist people make yearly obeisance and genuflect yearly before Holocaust memorials =, but ignores every genocide since then and cannot name most of them. Nor do you care.

    Which is funny, because Hitler took notes. Unlike you. Hitler was just a might bit smarter than you. More moral I think too. Hitler noted that no one gave shit about the Armenian genocide. So he figured he could get away with genocide too.

    Flog the Holocaust. Learn the wrong lessons. You are so freaking stupid, you could be given modeling software and you would be able to predict shit.

    Doctors Plot Ring a bell?

    Harboring? You are as honest as WNU.

    Canada is showing its true colors? Have you gotten a lobotomy? Freeland might, Some significant factions in the Liberal party might. A lot of those other people there were just trained seals.

    In fact they are a lot less ethnocentric, authoritarian and evil than you are.

  5. Although the Waffen-SS as a whole was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials, the Galician Division has not specifically been found guilty of any war crimes by any war tribunal or commission.

    The idea to organize a division of volunteers from Galicia was proposed by the German governor of District Galicia, Otto Wächter. He suggested creation of a Waffen-SS division composed of Galician volunteers and designed for regular combat on the Eastern Front

    Is Yaroslav Hunka a war criminal? Do not know. Given the manpower shortage, the German Army was more interested in combat than anything else.

    There are sub units of the division that may have participated in 3 massacres in Poland in 1944. Nothing definitive.

    Off hand, I give Hunka a 3% to 30% chance of having participated in a war crime.

    I will note that the people coming after Hunka are the same people that came after Pope Benedict the 16th for being in an antiaircraft unit in the last days of the war. So I trust their judgment NOT!

    The same people have such a constitution that if they had been born in Germany an conscripted at age 16, 17, or 18 into an anti-aircraft unit would have bravely hopped right to it than risk being executed by the Gestapo. Yes, people like 7:20 are cowards.
