Sunday, October 29, 2023

New U.S. House Speaker Says Russia, China, And Iran Are The New Axis Of Evil New House Speaker: Russia, China, and Iran Are New Axis of Evil 

In an interview with Sean Hannity, Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson said Putin cannot win in Ukraine Representative Mike Johnson vowed to support the wars in Ukraine and Israel in an interview after becoming House Speaker. 

The Congressman told Sean Hannity that China, Russia, and Iran make up an “axis of evil” that poses a huge threat to the US. The Speaker presented Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran as a trilateral threat to Washington. “Big priorities in this moment right now. 

We have Israel being attacked, we have unrest, we have the Ukraine situation we’ve got to deal with, we have China being aggressive, we have Iran with all the meddling, and China, Russia, and Iran working together. This is a dangerous time.” he said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It looks like everyone is on the same message .... US Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Calls China, Russia, And Iran The New 'Axis Of Evil' That The US Must Deal With (October 22, 20232).


  1. Russia, China, and Iran are "the new Axis of Evil"

    I am not a crackpot.

  2. 10:26 Child Pred Fred Lapides/Lapdog anon,

    I cant believe how consistently you spend time on here just to be another non impactful, nameless, faceless anon on a sub-minimal breadth low IQ loop.

    Such a soulless drone lacking value and personhood.

    WNU comments section Jester; a lifestyle choice.


    1. lololol he obviously feels some sort of calling

  3. If cracking the same joke over and over mad a persona genius, 10:26 would be supra-genius.

    People visit WarNewsUpdates to see the main attraction of the freak show: 10:26

    10:26 I do not think is Fred.

  4. no morons I am Fred so stop jerking your tiny dicks and say something adult instead of name calling ala Trump, your master.

    1. Is that really you Fred? I’m so confused 🫤

  5. Oh there is Child Pred Fred Lapides!!

    Though since youve chosen to play the cowardly anon game, and your stunted political musings and partisan narrative NPC dialogs are similar enough to the *Chickens roost in march, cracker, you fools, the border IS NOT OPEN!!!, execute Trump because 4 indictment ham sandwiches!, ReeEeEEEEeee!!!!!!* and other anon WNU botflys on here... ill just lump you into the same group.

    Happy Sunday bud. Stay away from the kids.

  6. I cant believe how consistently you spend time on here just to be another non impactful, nameless, faceless anon on a sub-minimal breadth low IQ loop.

    Such a soulless drone lacking value and personhood.

    My name is Matthew Putnam and I just described myself.

  7. Screaming "Tiny dicks" is rich from the creature who has the 3 times a day NSFW habit.

  8. 1124

    The lapdog has barked. Goooooddd Boooiiii!

    Imagine round house kicking yourself in the face rhetorically, and then walk away believing that you have made a point.

    "I know you are but what am I?"

    Woooowwwwww Buddy! Relax with those heavy hitters.

    Special needs; special indeed.



  9. Lot of circle jerking going off in the above comments. Looks like everyone is involved it seems.

  10. 12:15 you need a grammar checking software. Do you want another stab at your last sentence?

  11. Mitch the Glitch reliving his war on terror days

  12. Mitch is in some ways similar to Biden. He goes with the flow. He is not brave except, when his self interest is at stake.

  13. poor Matthew
    You showed potential in your teens and look at what you now are!

  14. 2:06

    What does that mean "Poor Cracker" anon? I am sure we go way back.

  15. that Mike Johnson sure gave us some insights! Who would have thought that Russia, Iran, and China were an Axis of Evil?

  16. Insight? But of course.

    He is the new kid on the block, leadershipwise anyways, and he is telling people that he is on the same page on this subject.

    If The Turtle was the new kid on the block would he have been so plainspoken so early in the game?

    Now this is out of the way he can go onto two things. Negotiate on how to implement policy for a common vision and how to bring some Republicans onboard.
