Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 7, 2015

Elias Papaioannou, Richard Portes and Lucrezia Reichlin, Reuters: Before Greece becomes a failed state, here’s how to stop the slide

The “No” has prevailed. But given the campaign and the ambiguous messages on both sides of the struggle over whether and how Greece should repay its debts, the results cannot be read as a no to Europe.

Europe needs Greece, and Greece needs Europe, regardless of the results of Sunday’s referendum. That reality must be the guiding principle in negotiations between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ government and the European Union.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 7, 2015

The next Greek crisis: gas shortages -- Sara Stefanini and Kalina Oroschakoff, Politico

What Will Happen to Greece If It Leaves the Euro? -- Jordan Weissmann, Slate

Here Are Central Banks Who Have Been Getting it Right — and Wrong -- Jennifer Ryan, Josh Robinson, and Andre Tartar, Bloomberg

Greeks are Laughing All the Way to the (Empty) Bank -- David Patrikarakos, Daily Beast

Here’s the Trickiest Part of the Iranian Nuclear Talks -- Massimo Calabresi, Time

What happens if Iran's nuclear deadline passes? -- Denise Hassanzade Ajiri, CSM

Any Iran nuclear deal should be judged on its contents, not the rhetoric -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post

Oil analysts and experts on Iran nuclear deal -- Christopher Johnson, Reuters

Obama's New Iraq Strategy: Don't Lose -- Noah Feldman, Bloomberg

Yemen's civil war isn't as bad as Iraq and Syria. Yet. -- Dan Murphy, CSM

The Saudis Are Cozying Up to Putin -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

Israel and Palestine: Not So Separate, Deeply Unequal -- Sandy Tolan, Daily Beast

In new strategy, S. Sudan army strikes rebels where it hurts: their livelihood -- Jason Patinkin, CSM

China Stocks Swoon Despite Orders From Beijing -- Walter Russell Mead, American Interest

Could China's Collapsing Stock Market Take Down Its Economy? -- Gordon G. Chang, National Interest

A Tipping Point in the US-China-Vietnam Triangle -- Alexander L. Vuving, The Diplomat

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