Tuesday, July 7, 2015

World News Briefs -- July 7, 2015 (Evening Edition)

Voice of America: Greece Offers Bailout 'Improvements,' Angers European Leaders

PARIS - Debt-wracked Greece said Tuesday that it had made "improvements" in its financial plan in hopes of collecting more bailout money, but it angered European leaders when its leaders showed up at a summit in Brussels without a written proposal.

An Athens official said the plan calls for reforms, investment and debt settlement. The top finance chief in Europe's 19-nation euro currency bloc, Jeroen Dijsselbloem of the Netherlands, said he expected Greece to formally ask for a new bailout as early as Wednesday.


US campaign against Islamic State in Syria 'intensifying'.

Syrian troops repel militants attack on Aleppo neighborhood.

Syrian Kurds retake northern villages from Islamic State: monitor.

For Syrian rebels, Kurds, suspicions grow.

U.S. only training 60 Syrian fighters, far below expectations.

Turkey detains 771 people crossing border from Syria.

Iran nuclear talks extended, source says 48 hours left for deal.

Iran nuclear talks to continue until July 10. Nuke deal remains elusive after deadline, but talks continue.

Issues linked to military dimension of Iran’s nuclear program solved — Lavrov.

Air strikes, ground combat in Yemen killed nearly 200.

ICRC: Yemen facing catastrophic situation.

Israel says Islamic State's Sinai assault aimed to help Hamas get arms.


In Myanmar, ethnic loyalties could crimp Suu Kyi's party.

Cambodia seeks official UN maps for Vietnam border.

Afghan conflict: Two suicide attacks hit Kabul hours apart.

Drone strikes target Islamic State fighters in eastern Afghanistan.

Afghan government officials in direct talks with Taliban. Afghan delegation meeting Taliban, twin attacks hit Kabul.

Obama to meet with Vietnam's Communist Party Chief amid concern over China.

South China Sea dispute between China, Philippines heads to court.

UN tribunal to begin South China Sea deliberation.

China kicks off war commemorations with graphic exhibition.

Japan's Abe faces growing risk on security shift: opposition leader.

Judge quits Cambodia's troubled Khmer Rouge trials.


Gunmen attack state radio offices in CAR capital.

Nigeria releases 180 Boko Haram suspects.

Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis: Zaria bomb 'kills 25'.

Exclusive: Buhari advised to overhaul Nigerian oil sector, increase debt.

Kenya: Al-Shabab kills quarry workers in Mandera gun attack. Attackers kill 14 in Kenya; Al-Shabaab claims responsibility.

French forces kill commander with al Qaeda branch in Mali.

Cholera kills 32 in South Sudan, education key to stemming outbreak: U.N..

Panel slams WHO Ebola response, calls for new center for health emergencies.


EU summit set for Sunday on Greece: Renzi. Euro zone to ready Greek 'Plan B' if no deal Sunday: Austria's Faymann. ECB to keep Greek banks afloat till Sunday: Merkel. Greece gets until Sunday for proposals to stave off collapse.

Prospects of new Greek rescue rise at euro zone summit.

Greece fails to present new debt proposal to eurozone leaders.

Greece has not asked us for financial help, says Russian minister.

Talks to resolve Ukraine conflict end without results.

200 detonators, explosives stolen from French military site.

Britain pays tribute to 7/7 victims 10 years after London bombings.

Srebrenica 'genocide' vote to take place at UN.

Spanish dictator Franco names to go from Madrid streets.


One in five Americans participates in government assistance programs each month.

Venezuela recalls ambassador to Guyana amid territory dispute.

Colombia conflict needs 'urgent de-escalation': mediators.

Obama hosts Vietnam Communist party chief at White House.

Obama unlikely to name U.S. ambassador for Cuba quickly. State Dept.: Cuban detentions won't slow normalization.

Pope Francis draws millions in tour of Ecuador. Pope urges dialogue in Ecuador in wake of protests.

Brazil's Rousseff tells paper she is uncowed by opposition calls to quit.

Puerto Rican debt crisis hits U.S. Congress. Economic hardships in Puerto Rico spur a mass exodus to the U.S. mainland.


Britain pays tribute to 7/7 victims 10 years after London bombings.

French Defence Minister: ISIL now a 'terrorist army'.

ISIS on the move in Afghanistan.

Amid defections, Islamic Caucasus Emirate publicly recognizes new leader.

‘This will not be quick,’ Obama says of campaign against the Islamic State.


Markets prepare for new Greek currency as Grexit prospect grows.

Alibaba to JD.Com plunge as investors flee from all things China.

U.S. trade deficit widens; weakness abroad fuels export drop.

New UN development goals will drive nations 'nuts': Indian economist.

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