Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Is Britain's Welfare System Supporting The Hate Preacher Who Inspired The Tunisian Beach Killer?

UK-based radical cleric Hani al-Siba (Screenshot from YouTube.com by CamdenDawah's channel)

Daily Mail: Living here on £50,000 benefits, the hate preacher who inspired Tunisian beach killer: Cleric lives in five-bedroom home with wife and five children after thwarting deportation attempts for 15 years

* Hani al-Sibai is ‘key influencer’ of the Islamic fanatics behind Tunisia attack
* The preacher once described 7/7 terror attacks in 2005 as a ‘great victory’
* Lives with his wife and five children in a £1 million house in West London
* Successive governments have failed to remove him despite worrying links

A leader of the terror group behind the Tunisian beach massacre is living off benefits in Britain, the Mail can reveal.

Jihadi preacher Hani al-Sibai – who described the 7/7 terror attacks in London in 2005 as a ‘great victory’ – is one of the ‘key influencers’ of the Islamic fanatics believed to have recruited and trained gunman Seifeddine Rezgui.

Update #1: Cleric said to be behind Tunisian beach massacre is living on benefits in Britain -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Al-Qaeda cleric linked to Tunisian terror attack living in UK on benefits – report -- RT

WNU Editor: This is one of those cases where I sometimes wonder if the British are sane. He is not the first "hate preacher" to be living off the English welfare system .... he is just one of many .... but for some reason that completely fails me the British have not reformed their system to make sure that these dangerous "deadbeats" are identified and removed.

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