Thursday, December 22, 2022

Former CIA Director And Four-Star US General Petraeus: Russia Cannot Outsuffer Ukraine, Europe, And The U.S.


WNU Editor: There were a lot of things said by the former CIA Director in the above clip that made me mad. 

When former CIA Director Petraeus said that Russia cannot outsuffer Ukraine, NATO, and the U.S. in the above clip, I just shook my head and said "are you kidding me". You are talking about a country that suffered +20 million deaths in the Second World War. That suffered under Stalin and Communist rule and deprivation for decades. That had to endure the chaos and suffering throughout the 1990s after the breakup of the Soviet Union, and international sanctions since 2014. Petraeus of all people must know that the people in Russia have a long history of knowing what suffering is all about, and more importantly, knowing how to handle and endure it. And as to who can outsuffer the most. The contrast of Moscow filled with people shopping for Christmas in stores packed with goods among blazing lights to the darken streets of Kyiv or the dimming of lights for many European capitals while their citizens have to make a decision over having heat or food cannot be more different than now. 

Former CIA Director Petraeus' remarks that Russia has suffered more casualties in this war over ten months than it did over 8 years in Afghanistan was something that I did not expect from him. Of course Russia has suffered more casualties in this war than it did in Afghanistan. Both wars are different. Afghanistan was a low intensity war. The Russia - Ukraine war is a full intensity war. If the US military was to engage in this war right now, I can say with 100% confidence that the US will suffer more casualties in a week than it did over 20 years in Iraq/Afghanistan/and the war against global terrorism. 

His glee that the US has already spent tens of billions in this war (and will spend tens if not hundreds of billions more) is also telling what many in the US military and intelligence community feel right now. That this war is a seminal moment for the US, and that the defeat of Russia in Ukraine is essential if the US wants to maintain its dominance in the world.


Anonymous said...

We're so fucked

Anonymous said...

But Russia like Ukraine was fighting for their with Russia the aggressor morale and combat fatigue are a real thing.. Ukraine has no choice but to fight to the last man which puts Russia under tremendous pressure…

Anonymous said...

I worked for Petraeus.

This does not surprise me. When a man goes from Colonel to general a man sells his soul to the Blob.

Anyway, Dave is a CFR member and on the ISW staff. He is a necon asset.

Take this to the bank. His whole narrative is suspect with grains of truth mixed in.

This is blurb about the Russians will "cave in" is just a new narrative piece try to say

Yes, We are going to win.

Just like... "Yes we are winning in Afghanistan"

His whole interview is a narrative propaganda piece.

They are prepping for the Russian offensive .... So when it comes they can say. it does not matter that the Russians have gained ground and reached xxx location. Or done xyz.

They will then say at that time...... not to worry, the Russians will eventually cave in.

BTW , does not his glee remind you of something.. Maybe Hillary laughing about Gaddafi being killed.

Yes these guys are evil.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I see the word BLOB, I know it is that nut case or troll.

Neocon has a specific meaning. Or at least it had. Now the meaning has grown so much that it means everything Left of center to some and Defense Hawks to others. There have been Defense Hawks long before neocons. So why conflate the two? When someone use the world neocon as an adjective, their whole supporting and circular argument is "I used the word neocon/You must believe my argument!"

I am suspicious of the CFR, but simply writing CFR won't make me believe an argument any more than using neocon as a pejorative and throwing it around. the CFR puts out Foreign Affairs and that is a good read. If you are use to reading Time, Newsweek or similar magazines and with articles no longer than that, then Foreign Affairs is not your cup of tea.

Foreign Affairs did have an article back in the aughts about getting ride of the dollar and using a basket of currencies instead with the dollar included. I hated the idea then, but I like it now.

I would not include Chinese money as their accounting is opaque. The Russians are a bunch of thieves, but so are many American politicians. For all the hardball including murdering your competition that the Russian oligarchs engage in, I think the ruble backed by oil, timber, wheat and minerals would make it a good addition to a basket of currencies.

Maybe using a basket of currencies needs to be wargamed out. But perhaps not. The Democrats, RINOS and yellow livered Republicans have so screwed up, borders, the economy health care, voting and other things that basket of currencies really could not hurt us more.

Anyway a group that can put out Foreign Affairs cannot be all bad unless they have changed a lot in the last decade.

Anonymous said...

It is also called the Borg. The "Hive Mind."
You know, like Ike talked about.

Anonymous said...

We could have won at any time in Afghanistan, if we had won against the Pakistanis.

So you worked for Petraeus you say, Lots of people work for Petraeus,, It could mean anything, you were part of a unit that di work for Petraeus and you job was the unit photographer or chaplain's assistant.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line: your posts add nothing the conversation. The premise still stands. his words are a neocon narrative of nothing. They have no basis in reality accept the neocon nazis and the defence industry guys are making out like bandits on this.

You folks are going to believe the same thing anyway. It is like talking to the wall.

The Russians are going to cave in, that is correct! Everybody knows they are a bunch of snow flakes. Can't take a punch.

Anonymous said...

9:37 Do you realize what you just did?

Anonymous said...

Words of advice. 9:37 Do Not play CARDS

Anonymous said...

There was a time when real men with talent were running the show in A merica sadly this is gone now and its who you know that gets you elected in any office of power glaring example this guy Patraeus your Pres BiBiBiden his sidekick Kamala and the list goes on and on God help America

Anonymous said...

Fawning Hillary likens Zelensky’s speech to Winston Churchill; GOP lawmakers on the other hand…

watch cnn interview. This is who supports the Ukraine government. Nice.

Anonymous said...

@9:13 "We could have won at any time in Afghanistan, if we had won against the Pakistanis."

Right, we could have "won" a nuclear exchange. Fought for... checks notes ..."women's rights".

Also we didn't suffer enough, yeah? The professional managerial class promises to suffer alongside us in the hyper-inflation bread lines this time.

Anonymous said...

in passing, the comparison of Z to Churchhill was to the simple fact that in major speech, both wore military outfits.
now if there is an important subject totally skipped on this site, try this:

Major Highlights of the January 6 Report

You may not like the report, but it may have major legal ramifications and have an impact on future elections and it is thus a key story fully skipped over today.