Saturday, December 17, 2022

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg Says Putin Is 'Planning For A Long War'


Daily Mail: Putin is 'planning for a long war' and the West must continue to send arms to Ukraine until Russia 'cannot win on the battlefield', NATO chief says 

* NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said Russia is preparing for a long war in Ukraine * Russia unleashed missiles today in its latest devastating attack on the country  

* But almost 10 months into Moscow's invasion, Kyiv's forces have seen victories  

Putin is 'planning for a long war' and the West must continue to send arms to Ukraine until Russia 'cannot win on the battlefield', a NATO chief has said.   

Russia is readying for a protracted war in Ukraine, alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday. It comes after Putin sent a nuclear message to the West for a third day running with new deployment of Yars strategic missile as it today unleashed the latest in a series of devastating attacks against Ukraine.   

Read more ....  

Update: Putin 'planning for a long war' in Ukraine: NATO chief (France 24)  

WNU Editor: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is saying what this blog has been saying since September. The Kremlin made the decision (probably in August when the decision to call-up reserves was made) that this war is going to last a few years.

The question that should be asked is on NATO's commitment to send weapons and monies in the billions of dollars to Ukraine every month that may last for 2, 3 or more years.

Is the public willing to accept this commitment and sacrifice (i.e. high energy prices/inflation/shortages/etc.), and will the political still be there in 2024 or beyond? You tell me.


Anonymous said...

At all cost

Anonymous said...

Until Moscow is razed and the ground salted.

Anonymous said...

Our current government is committed to supporting the Ukraine. It shall do so until the !ast Ukrainian. After that , no.

If the economy goes completely sideways then.

When Gandalf is done with his tools. He drops them.

Bad economy one of two things happen. We go to war for a distraction or the US pulls out to handle things at home.

The EU. Depends on the amount and level of discontent in each country. Will the security apparatuses continue to support the gov and suppress disent?

This is so complicated .That the answers you seek are almost impossible to determine.

The question that also needs to be asked is... how far is the neocon BLOB willing to go to ensure their goals are achieved.

I would say these monsters would go all the way. Shoot American citizen protesters in the street, set up interment camps and use nukes in europe. They have no quams about who they have to kill or how many.

fazman said...


Anonymous said...

Start a fight in your neighbor and see who else around will be mad at you.

Don't you think so?