Monday, November 27, 2023

Mothers And Wives On Both Sides Of The Russia - Ukraine War Find Common Ground To Protest Against The War

DNYUZ/New York Times: Russian Women Protest Long Deployments for Soldiers in Ukraine 

The woman in the video, her face blurred, gave a blunt assessment of Russian military policy: Soldiers mobilized over a year ago to fight in Ukraine deserved to come home. Why weren’t they?

“Our mobilized became the best army in the world, but that doesn’t mean that this army should stay there to the last man,” she said. “If he did something heroic, spilled blood for his country sincerely, then maybe it was time to return to his family, make way for someone else, but that’s not happening.” 

The speaker was part of a new, grass-roots movement that has been gathering steam in Russia over the past several weeks. Women in various cities are seeking to stage public protests, challenging the official argument that mobilized troops are needed in combat indefinitely to secure their Russian homeland. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Putin fears wrath of soldiers' wives, Kremlin to buy off protests: reports (Business Insider).  

Update #2: Anti-Mobilization Protests By Russian Soldiers' Wives and Mothers Quashed (Moscow Times)  

WNU Editor: To be fair, these protests from the mothers and wives of Russian soldiers fighting in this war have been ongoing for the better part of this year. These protests are also not only confined to Russia .... War-Weary Mothers, Wives and Children of Ukrainian Soldiers Demand a Cap on Military Service Time (AP).

I am personally not surprised by these protests. All of my friends/contacts/and family members in Ukraine know how much of a meat grinder the front has become for those who are deployed there. But I would say it has only been in the past few months that the meat grinder of the war is starting to impact Russian families .... Intercepted calls from the front lines in Ukraine show a growing number of Russian soldiers want out (AP).

A prediction.  These protests are not going to stop the direction of the war. This is a conflict that will continue until Kyiv surrenders unconditionally on Moscow's terms. The only way that can be prevented is if NATO makes the decision to intervene directly.


Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan

This is to be expected on any side. Why should mothers and family on both sides of the war not protest the war.

"Never Think that War, no matter how justified, no matter how necessary, is not a crime. Just ask the infantry and the dead."

The phone calls. Maybe true, maybe manufactured propaganda, unknown.

Anonymous said...

Cindy Sheehan always was a malcontent. She was before the war. She was unhappy there were not female pastors. Changing denominations was too much work or something. She made her bed.

After one of Cindy's tussles and flash of that gorgeous body, the IAU gave her a designation. Is she bigger than Ceres?

Anonymous said...

"Sheehan has, through her own blog, described herself as a socialist. She has also criticized capitalism. In 2010, Sheehan changed her voter registration in California and became a member of the Peace and Freedom Party. Sheehan has expressed opposition to Covid-19 restrictions, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. She published a paper about former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's nursing home controversy."

The paper might be worth a gander. She might have done some actual work.

Anonymous said...

If this subset of mothers gets their way and the shooting stops, Putin keeps the land. It is a win for him. At least 50% chance that on the Russian side this is astroturf.

In the US the RINOs started Astroturfing the Tea Party. They hoovered up money from well meaning people. Not all organizations calling themselves Tea Party were legit.

If the RINOs are smart enough to piggy back off the opposition, Vladoff Putler is too.

Anonymous said...

Prediction: Ukrainian Canadian internment

Mr Nobody said...

Sheehan would not have been anything, but her son was killed in a combat zone and that changed her whole life.

her views and all her current world views originate from that tragic point.

Last thing is this. She was right. The war was wrong and there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Anonymous said...

"her views and all her current world views originate from that tragic point"

No Russian troll, she got into it with the Roman catholic Church way before the Iraq War.

My particular denomination has 3 Synods very conservative, conservative and ultra-mega-loosey-goosey liberal. If I do not like a particular church because of the synod, I can change to another synod, another denomination or another religion.

I have been to RC, Baptist, congregational and Jewish services. Unlike Cindy Sheehan I never felt the burning desire to get into the pastors face and ague the tenets of the faith need to be changed. She did.

I like the Orthodox practice more than that of the Roman Catholic regarding priest marriage. At least in some of the orthodox churches (Do not know how many), if you want to get married and be a priest you can. You just cannot become a bishop or a patriarch. I consider this better than the RC with their scandals.

Anonymous said...

The WMD were take to Syria. At the height of the Syrian civilian war they were retrograded to Iraq if for no other reason to prevent them form falling into non-Assad hands.

There was proof in the water. Yes, the water was tested. It was tested for the same reason the send up sniffer planes after a suspected North Korean nuclear test.

A Rolling troll is mossless.

Anonymous said...

Writing in The Seattle Post-Intelligence there, columnist Robert Jamieson, no conservative, put it this way: "Trouble is Sheehan is not sincerely interested in meeting Bush for a private, heartfelt chat about her understandable anguish and lingering questions. She wants to make a public splash by allowing critics of the unjustified war in Iraq to use her as a human bazooka against Bush."

Well, I believe Jamieson's analysis is correct. And I point to this. If Cindy Sheehan is really about getting the troops out of Iraq, why isn't she traveling to Washington to stand outside Hillary Clinton's home? The senator supports the war. Will Ms. Sheehan go to Nantucket and stand outside John Kerry's beach house? He isn't a cut and run club member.

So it's obvious Cindy Sheehan has become a political player, who's primary concern is embarrassing the president. She is no longer just a protestor. I don't think she ever has been, by the way.

And that's "The Memo."

Now Мистер Никто can say he got the memo.

What is Мистер Никто's lexile score?

Mr Nobody said...

Her personal views are flawed, that is a given. But what set her down the road she now travels?

Her sons death.

And once again she was right. An unjust war, there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Anonymous said...

Why did she not protest at Hillarys house? who knows? Probably because of hate. Hatred of Bush. That would be her logical target. Hate is a powerful force that blocks out reason, Just like people's inordinate hate of Russia or Ukraine on this blog shows up in their twisted logic and confirmation bias.

She was criticized by the media left and the right. That is because uncle Joe, Hillary and most of the democrats supported that war. Thats what they do, when they do not like you, they de- legitimize you. Look at Dr. Naomi Wolf or Sharon Atkinson or Matt Taibbi. All victims of character assassination. and there are many more.

But once again she was right

Anonymous said...

The weapons of mass destruction were sent to Syria.

Again she mixed it up with the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Sheehan was for woman ordination and she did not get it. She was mad. She has been on the Leftist road for a long, long time and it was more important than her marriage.

Anonymous said...

Mosless rolling stone

"As Sada told the New York Sun, two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, and special Republican Guard units loaded the planes with chemical weapons materials.

There were 56 flights disguised as a relief effort after a 2002 Syrian dam collapse.

There were also truck convoys into Syria. Sada's comments came more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.""

Anonymous said...

Soviet generals, Colonel-General Vladislav Achalov and Colonel-General Igor Maltsev

Anonymous said...

20 trucks with Syrian chemical equipment said sent to Iraq

Anonymous said...

Of course in the middle of a civil war relying on handouts for Russia and Iran, Syria can afford to give shit away for no reason.

Anonymous said...

you said.....

The weapons of mass destruction were sent to Syria.

You and I have had this discussion before. There were no weapons of mass destruction. The idea that WMDs went to Syria was another propaganda ploy to justify the war when no WMDs were found in Iraq.


Are you saying that General Colin Luther Powell was lying?

Anonymous said...

Gee skods

read your article at 127 pm.

you are confused agin skods. there is nothing there about Sadaams WMDs.

the article is about the Syrians sending WMDs into Iraq in 2013. Not the other way around.

You haven't been hitting the hash pipe again have you? Or have you been drinking the ole scrumpy with fazzy?

Ukraine will be defeated

Anonymous said...

Syrians were sending Iraqi WMDs back to Iraq in that convoy. A truck can carry stuff made in Syria and stuff made in Iraq at the same time.

It is why many people wanted the convoy stopped and inspected.

I linked the article, because 10 years on, it is hard to remember, when the convoy(s) was.

Now you may unwad your diaper.

Anonymous said...

You info sucks skods

That article mentioned nothing about Iraqi sadaam era munitions. And read the first was an unsubstantiated report.

two strikes against you skoda old buddy.

And how about that Powell deal? Was he lying? Inquiring minds want to know.

Or did you make another trap for yourself by falsifying the facts again? and making things up.

The next few posts will tell all!! :)

and skods

Ukraine WILL be defeated.

Anonymous said...

In 1814 Napoleon wanted conscription but refrained. He wanted to live.

Putin has be using stealth mobilization instead of above board conscription, because he too wants to live. There are costs, which maybe too high. Putin and his coterie would rather ethnic Turks and Mongols pay the price especially if they are not part of the Federation.

Going another year has risks for Putin and cronies as well.

In the coming year China is to pay 46% of the going rate for oil. That has got to hurt.

Anonymous said...

You can theorize this to death.

But here are 2 things that will NOT

A. The ukies get their territory back
B.ukraine gets to join NATO.

And your facts suck

For the Russians this war to the death.

They see this war as one of survival every bit as the ukies do.

This is why your analysis has always been wrong.
You cannot see this from a Russians pov. If you want to learn what a true Russian nationalist thinks, for starters read the works of Igor Girkin. He hates Putin. Thinks he is weak.

If you get someone like him in power, your sorry little lives will be in a world of hurt.

The ukies were led down a road of perdition because of your intellectual pyromaniac neocon leaders. The Slavs have long ,memories and a vindictive streak. Wagner leadership got a taste of that. What do you think will happen to Thug life zman if the ukies lose?