Thursday, November 30, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- November 30, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates today.


Anonymous said...

A group of Russian marines died in an explosion at the Kuzminsky training ground near Rostov on November 3. - Russian media
- About 20 people from the [marine brigade] lit a fire during their lunch break nearby with ammunition storage. The RPG-7 grenade launcher shell rolled into the fire and exploded. Eight people died on the spot, another eight were injured. All those injured and killed were contract soldiers from Vladivostok. Four seriously wounded soldiers died in hospital within a few days.


Anonymous said...

Кузьминский полигон, Ростовская обл., 03/11/23: во время обеда морпехи из Владивостока разожгли костёр возле блоков боеприпасов и бросили в него выстрел от РПГ-7. К сожалению, умерли не все, а только 12 штук #всрф #потерьнет

Anonymous said...

In Rostov-on-Don, the largest market Temernik is on fire. Thousands of square meters are going up in flames.

Since the shops are burnt down, the shopkeepers are unemployed. They can now be mobilized.

Anonymous said...

In other news

Comrade zelinski was gifted 15,000 Class A shares of Blackrock for an early Christmas present. all Ukrainians are ecstatic at this new gift of support to our people.

Ukrainian units are head faking the Russian forces by leaving certain sectors unexpectantly while screaming F this crap. They are combining this effort with fake radio transmissions about desperate conditions and no ammo. The Police unit in Avdeevka is currently monitoring traffic patterns and conditions. Rumors of them gun butting people for refusing to leave their positions or conducting summery executions are highly overrated. Once again the Ukrainian Air Force has shown itself to have total control of the air , but exactly where, has not been stated for security reasons. But we have confirmed glowing reports of air superiority operations along the Polish border.

In economic news , manufacturing units have reached thier production goals on all levels. Out put is to increase over 100% in the coming week after you forget this repot happened.

Anonymous said...

easy enough to forget, comrade

Mr Nobody said...

from the films

So Major Khomyak got tired of the crazy bitch squawking like some kind of demented hyena and shot her. Historically this is not a surprising event. Men in constant combat get tired and they are cold, hungry and have seen too many dead. They get fed up.

Nothing like some no-nothing nut case calling you a coward in front of your men to piss you off. That is the last thing you need in a combat zone. At that point you either exert your authority, or you loose it. If you lose your authority, you are lost.

Question is, they say she was the unit psychologist / counselor. Is that so, or was she in truth the unit Political Commissar?

I cannot see a "shrink" berating the unit leadership , unless she was a fanatic. I mean, who was she to question the tactical decisions of the Command? Anyway, an interesting situation.

On the other film did you see Zelinski talking to the college kids?

This is important!!

Did you read the written narrative on the imbedded film/picture? If what was published is true , it is a Major statement that is overlooked.

He basically said that he did not think that Ukraine would be able to take back the Donbass. Crimea yes, but Donbass would be ungovernable for the Ukraine.

Common sense opinion-ing by zelinski.??...Yes very much so.

BUT this represents a crack or change in his absolute position that Ukraine MUST take back all its former territory.

I guess he is being hammered by his handlers In the West to change his tune. Watch to see what happens in the next two to three months.

With this talk to students, we just might ....have just seen.... the beginning of the negotiation phase of this conflict.

Anonymous said...

Got the trolls all spun up. they got to answer post for post in terms of number.