Monday, May 12, 2008

Air Combat by Remote Control

When I read this story I could not help but think of the Terminator movies.

The sniper never knew what hit him. The Marines patrolling the street below were taking fire, but did not have a clear shot at the third-story window that the sniper was shooting from. They were pinned down and called for reinforcements.

Help came from a Predator drone circling the skies 20 miles away. As the unmanned plane closed in, the infrared camera underneath its nose picked up the muzzle flashes from the window. The sniper was still firing when the Predator's 100-pound Hellfire missile came through the window and eliminated the threat.

Read more ....

My Comment: Air power, sea power, and in the future ... ground forces .... it appears inevitable that much of this "power" will be robotic, controlled from command centers and far away bases.

On the one hand this will make wars very lethal against forces that do not have this technological edge. On the other hand, organizations or countries that do not have this power will probably be very reluctant to fight a battle against a foe that has this technological edge.

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