Friday, September 18, 2009

The U.K. Defense Budget Is A Disaster

Trident missile

Revealed: The £130bn Cost Of Trident Replacement -- The Guardian

• Bill for big-ticket defence projects may reach £130bn
• Study says government underestimated expense

The combined cost of replacing the Trident nuclear missile system and building, equipping and running two large aircraft carriers will be as much as £130bn, far more than the government has admitted, an in-depth study of the huge defence projects reveals today.

Ministers have said replacing Trident would cost up to £20bn, but key factors the government has left out of the calculation will push the final cost up to £97bn over the system's 30-year life, according to Greenpeace, the environment group.

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My Comment: Some UK bloggers have been mentioning for a long time that the UK Defense budget did not make any sense .... but this is the first time that a major news organization is publicizing these figures. If true .... the UK government will not be able to sustain their budget priorities and obligations. In short, this is a slow motion train wreck for all to see.

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