Saturday, February 6, 2010

Michael Yon: New IED's In Afghanistan Only Use Liquids And Non-Metal Parts.

Michael Yon

WNU Editor: I found the following entry in Michael Yon's Facebook Page.

Michael Yon Am told the enemy has started using IEDs that use no metal. As explained to me by an excellent source, when you step on the bomb, it causes two liquids to mix which then explode.

Yesterday at 5:44pm

My Comment: My brother has a doctorate in Chemistry, and my discussions with him on the ease to manufacture and transport liquid explosives have always been truly frightful. If these explosives are being used and distributed in Afghanistan, it will only be a matter of time before they become not only the Taliban's ideal IED weapon of choice, but also a coveted product for Al Qaeda and other terror groups who have a history of targeting airplanes.

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