Thursday, August 25, 2011

Are Libya's WMD Stockpiles Secure?

Photo from Defense Tech

Libya's WMD Stockpiles Are Secure: Pentagon -- Defense News

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon said Aug. 24 that Libya's stockpile of chemical weapons are "secure" but that an arsenal of thousands of shoulder-launched missiles remained cause for concern.

Asked if sites containing chemical weapons, including over 10 tons of mustard gas, were safe, spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said: "Yes."

But he declined to offer more details, only saying that "clearly those are dangerous agents and weapons ... we continue to monitor that."

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My Comment: Others are voicing disagreement on the Pentagon's assessment that Libyan WMD stockpiles are secure.

The L.A. Times has a more info on U.S. concerns over Libyan WMDs and surface to air missiles may fall into the wrong hands.

What is my own take .... I am mostly worried about this.

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