Friday, May 18, 2012

World News Briefs -- May 18, 2012

Scared: This graph shows how Spain has had more withdrawals from its banks than any other eurozone country since last January. Daily Mail

Europe Rocked By Spanish Banking Crisis -- The Independent

The flames of the eurozone crisis leapt higher yesterday, as fears spread about the state of the Continent's most vulnerable banks.

Shares in the Spanish lender, Bankia, plummeted 30 per cent at one stage in trading, following a report that customers had withdrawn €1bn in deposits since the Madrid government was forced to part-nationalise the bank last week.

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UN says al Qaeda behind Syria suicide bombs death toll from civil war reaches 10,000.

Syria regime forces fire on huge protests.

Netanyahu says Iran aims to deceive in atomic talks.

Baghdad market bombs kill at least four.

Turkey warns companies against Cyprus gas search.


U.N. probes possible North Korea arms trade with Syria, Myanmar.

US suspends all economic sanctions on Burma.

Japan urges citizens to cut down on electricity use.

Divided but peaceful 2 years after Thai violence.

China's most-wanted man jailed for life over £3 billion fraud.


South Sudan calls for U.N. sanctions on Khartoum.

Flood of Nuba refugees hits camp near Sudan border.

Niger malnutrition crisis spreading - Save the Children.

For many in Egypt, the presidential vote is not about Islam.

Libya still ruled by the gun.


Euro crisis ensnares Spain. Spain faces bank concerns after downgrade.

Greece downgraded deeper into junk.

Wealthy French take their assets to London.

Italy deploys 20,000 to protect sensitive targets.

Ratko Mladic war crimes trial plunged into confusion.


3 Mexico generals probed for cartel links.

Peru's famed hostage raid investigated.

Honduras prisoners riot at jail in San Pedro Sula.

Quebec student protests: Back-to-school act threatens big fines.


Most terrorists look nothing like you imagined.

"No indication" of terror threat to Chicago NATO summit: FBI.

Ban Ki-moon says Al-Qaeda behind Damascus bombings.


Global leaders seek to corral Europe crisis.

Japan's economic growth nearly doubles U.S.

Barack Obama tells EU: boost growth now or face a global crisis.

Facebook's IPO price: $38 per share.

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