Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Christian Faith Is Booming In Africa And Asia

Christianity Booming In Asia And Sub-Saharan Africa -- Breitbart

Some in the West may see Christianity as an archaic religious construct in constant danger of extinction, but the religion is rapidly building strongholds in lands as foreign to Christian churches as Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

Warnings of the death knell of Christian faith echoed yet again this week--just in time for Christmas--as Prince Charles noted ominously that Christians in the Middle East are "deliberately targeted by fundamentalist Islamist militants," just as the number of devout Christians in Britain continues to dwindle. A report this May found that Christianity in the UK is diminishing at a 50% faster pace than believed, and in the United States, the fastest growing religion is Wicca. Similarly, in the ancient cradles of Christianity, persecution has triggered alarm from even tolerant Muslims that this religion is not long for this world.

However, while London, Paris, Cairo, and Aleppo may face unprecedented challenges to their Christian populations, the Christian history of non-Europeans in what is often labeled the Global South is just beginning, and the future of the religion lies with reaching the furthest corners of the world from its cradle.

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My Comment: I am surprised by it's growth in Asia .... even in places like China. I will never forget my first experience of seeing an "underground" church in China .... this happened on my first visit there in the mid-1980s. The Chinese government had converted a historical old church that was used as a "small factory/assembly line" during the day time .... but at night it became a church .... and surprise surprise .... even though the authorities were aware of it, they did nothing to stop it.

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