Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hamas And Fatah Reach A Reconciliation Agreement To Form A Unity Government

Hamas And Fatah Unveil Palestinian Reconciliation Deal -- BBC

Rival Palestinian factions Fatah and Hamas have announced a reconciliation deal, saying they will seek to form a unity government in the coming weeks.

It comes as the peace talks between President Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel near collapse.

Hamas and Fatah split violently in 2007. Previous reconciliation agreements have never been implemented.

Israel's prime minister said Mr Abbas would have to choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas.

"You can have one but not the other. I hope he chooses peace; so far he hasn't done so," warned Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Abbas sent a delegation to Gaza for talks earlier this week.

Read more ....

More News On Hamas And Fatah Reaching A Reconciliation Agreement To Form A Unity Government

Palestinian factions to form unity government -- Al Jazeera
Hamas, Abbas's PLO announce reconciliation agreement -- Reuters
Abbas, rival Hamas give reconciliation another try -- AP
Fatah, Hamas agree to form Palestinian unity government -- France 24
Hamas and Fatah announce Palestinian unity deal -- The National
Palestinian Factions Announce Deal on Unity Government -- New York Times
PLO and Hamas agree landmark unity pact -- The Guardian
Palestinian Groups Agree on Unity Government, Officials Say -- Bloomberg


Unknown said...

YES! Get in lads! Unity is the biggest weapon of all. I hope they work together to destroy the source of terrorism and that is Israel (NOT Jews!)

One day everyone will know the truth, one day.

Unknown said...

It won't last...

Quite a good write up here:

"In the end, though, Hamas isn't going to give up its military hold on Gaza and Fatah isn't about to risk its power base in the West Bank. Even in the unlikely event that there are elections by October, the chances that the results would be honored by the losers are pretty low."

Unknown said...

Salim - you are deluded in your belief that Israel is the source of Terrorism.

Your moral inversion that when the IDF strikes terrorists who are deliberately targeting civilians is disgraceful. Let us be completely clear here, rockets and mortars are fired at civilian towns, not military bases. Suicide bombing campaigns are aimed only at civilians....
The atrocities preformed by Pal-Arabs are endless and started well before 1967.

Hmmm... Does the name Fogel ring a bell? Mother & father murdered, little kids including a 11 year old, 4 year old and 3 month old infant who was decapitated with a knife.

One of the perpetrators of the murders was described as a "hero" and a "legend" by members of his family, during a weekly program on state sponsored Pal-Arab TV.

You sprinkle far too much conspiracy theory's on your morning cereal.
You have also accused the US Army of deliberately killing women & children on this site.

One day you will wake up to the evil in this world and it's not Israel.

War News Updates Editor said...

If history is an indicator .... this Hamas - Fatah agreement will unravel within a few weeks.

Unknown said...

Before i start i'd like to apologise if i have offended you.
But conspiracy taste pretty good on my breakfast, im sure its better than lies dont you think?
And also, i dont agree with what these people are doing to the israeli citezens of course, who do u think i am?
But also, do u have ANY idea what the IDF terrorist are doing to the palestinian people? If you knew, u would feel guilty for sticking up for them. As we speak, they harassing and shooting people illegally.
Oh, and also, do you know how many innocent people died in the 2012 war?
Your hurtful comment made my stomach churn. Knowing that israel doesnt let us muslims in to the Al aqsa mosque, how would u feel if we muslims blocked jews from entering the synagogue?

And also, about the usa, i said they kill fams ad children because why do think the US soldiers commit suicide? Why do u think they spit on their medals and throw it away on public?(look up on youtube)
Once again, im sorry if hav offended you. Please look at the palestine documentary on youtube. You'l understand what is really going on.

Unknown said...

Firstly Salim, just because you have read it on the internet or watched a youtube clip does not make it true.
Israel is not the evil terrorist country you claim it to be.
If you actually have spent some time there yourself you would see that.

Unlike yourself, I have been to Israel, I travel regularly every year, sometimes on multiple occasions, my wife is Israeli, the company I work for employees Pal-Arabs and we work together to foster co-existence – unlike yourself I have been to the West Bank, what we call Judea and Samaria. It only became the West Bank after Jordan’s illegal occupation 1948 – 1967 ie.. the territory they held West of the Jordan river.

Ask any average Pal-Arab, they are more than happy to live together to build better futures for their families. Israeli Arabs serve in the IDF, Israeli Arabs have expressed extreme distress at the prospect of transferring them to a future Palestinian state, guess where they want to stay? Israel… Why? Because they have a far better life than in any other Muslim country and they know it.

Let’s try and deconstruct your reply…

Like any army, there are always bad eggs, however, the IDF does not, I repeat does NOT deliberately target civilians. If you look at the ratios of non-combatants to genuine targets there is no other country on this earth with a ratio as low as Israel. If they did set out to do this then they are doing a very bad job at it….

Colonel Richard Kemp (former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan) testified to the UN in 2011 that "the Israeli Defence Forces did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare"

Here is another quote from him: “In fact, my judgments about the steps taken in that conflict by the Israeli Defense Forces to avoid civilian deaths are inadvertently borne out by a study published by the United Nations itself, a study that shows that the ratio of civilian to combatant deaths in Gaza was by far the lowest in any asymmetric conflict in the history of warfare.”

Look at any other conflict and tell me the ratio’s, there are enough verifiable sources out there to show you the facts if you really want to know about it.

The IDF drops millions of leaflets warning the population of impending attacks, and phones tens of thousands of Palestinian households in Gaza urging them in Arabic to leave homes where Hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight during a conflict. Similar messages are passed on in Arabic to Israeli radio broadcasts.
Who else does that?? They just bomb the shit out of their targets with no regard to any civilians.
Here is the clip from the UN -

From the 2009 war, here is a list of the so called civilians that in fact where Terrorists, all with verifiable sources -

Unknown said...

Let’s talk about 2011 – Operation Pillar of Smoke:
So the Pal’s claim that 55 militants killed and 105 civilians killed
Israel claims 120 combatants killed and 57 civilians killed
Roughly the same numbers on both sides although the claims are different.
Israel struck over 1500 terrorist sites with precision weapons whilst Hamas and Islamic Jihad fired over 1500 rockets at civilians.

Get familiar with the ‘Laws of armed conflict’ (LOAC) – every one of those rockets fired is a war crime, they clearly violate the rules of necessity and distinction. What is more is that they’re conducted from civilian areas by men wearing civilian clothes; Hamas violates its obligation to distinguish its own non-combatants from combatants.

Hamas’s use of civilian buildings changes the status of targets from civilian to military. It is vital to understand that obligations under LOAC are not unilateral and unconditional; they are often reciprocal and conditional. For example, a civilian object can be converted to a legitimate military target when used for military purposes. Even buildings specially protected under international law including mosques and hospitals lose their protected status when used for military purposes.

You think if Israel wanted to kill civilians with 1500+ bombs dropped and supposedly the strongest army in the ME, bloody hell, they did a really poor job!!

But despite Israel’s extraordinary measures, a number of innocent civilians were killed and wounded. This was inevitable. Let us not forget: Hamas was deliberately trying to lure the Israelis to kill their own people.

Unknown said...

Let’s talk now about Al Aqsa… Have you even been on the Temple Mount before?????

How can you say that Israel does not allow Muslims in Al Aqsa??

Israel does not even control the Temple Mount, it is the Islamic Waqf, get your facts straight.
Moshe Dayan handed they keys to the Waqf straight after 1967.

Currently with the tensions ongoing, Pal-Arabs are stockpiling rocks in Al Aqsa to throw at Jews & security forces, recently they threw Molotov cocktails…
Not only this, there have been countless incidents where they have thrown rocks from the top of the Temple Mount down onto innocent Jews praying at the Kotel below (do you even know what the Kotel is??)..
Are you fricken serious Salim, they are throwing rocks at people praying – what do you expect the response will be? Guess what the media reports, not the rocks before, only the response – it’s called last first reporting and the BBC is a prime source of this sad attempt at journalism.

This is supposed to be a sacred space yet it is used for violence, Pal-Arab school kids play soccer/football on the mount and Jews are NOT allowed to pray up there.

Now that is religious discrimination….

When I went up last I got chased by the Muslim guards because I wore a Kippah on my head, where is my freedom of religious expression hey? You spout all this rubbish but you actually have zero knowledge, only what you have been infected by what you read on the internet.

Jews are allowed to go up with Tourists twice a day, early in the morning and around lunch time, entrance is from one gate only, via the Mugrahbi bridge, security is incredibly tight to get up, metal detectors, x-ray scanners – Yet Muslims have full and free access anytime they want. The only time that Muslims are restricted is during intense periods of tension and even then they only stop men under the age of fifty, all others are free to go up and I can tell you, during those times, no Jews whatsoever are allowed up.

Arab media is endemically anti-Semitic and openly practice taqiyya in English, this is what you are infected with.
You may say you aren’t against the Jews, only Israelis, yet Israel is the nation state of the Jews so who are you attacking?? Jews…

To say you are an anti-Zionist/anti-Israel is just the new fashionable way to say you hate Jews, sorry, been there done that, heard it all before. We have a very wise saying, ‘They tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat!’

Here is a lone Muslim speaking the truth, you should read it:

Here is some organisations setup specifically to translate Arabic media into English to inform world leaders and NGO’s exactly what Arabic/Muslim media states on a daily basis to their own people which is miles away from what they say in English to the West.

Now I am over this, you made me get my laptop out to type this up instead of using my phone to read this site.

I can’t be bothered deconstructing your comments further, grow up and get some real geo-political education instead of playing videogames like Minecraft and GTA all the time.

Unknown said...

U have accused me of hating jews, being ignorant when u are as well (no offense) and i havent accused you of hating muslims, u probably dont hate us muslims, but i dont hate jews. Your latest comment offended me badly because it was full of misconduct.

Anyway, i might be question by allah in the day of judgemet for hurting your feeling so i want both of us to stop because we are both being immature, our useless comments dont make a difference anyway, it isnt stopping the killing of both jews and muslims in the Middle east is it?
So cant we just get along?
P.s im too busy to play video games. Got an engineering project, part time job, and an Islamic religious lessons.

May allah guide u and grant u a succesfull life in this world and the next.
Hav a good day sir.