Thursday, June 26, 2014

ISIS Holds A Massive Military Parade In Mosul With Captured US Military Vehicles

ISIS Holds Military Parade In Mosul -- Threat Matrix

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham's Ninewa Division continues to crank out images of its conquest of Mosul and the surrounding province. Earlier today, the Ninewa Division released photographs of its forces seizing control of several bases, displaying captured military hardware, and executing Iraqi soldiers. Then, the Ninewa Division published a set of photographs of a military parade in the city of Mosul.

The photographs provide a glimpse of the ISIS' military strength in Mosul. Scores of ISIS technicals, as well as several captured US-supplied Humvees, armored cars, and even artillery pieces are shown. Hundreds of ISIS fighters are involved in the parade, which begins during the day and goes on through the night.

Read more ....

Update: ISIS Holds Parade With Captured US Military Vehicles -- Zero Hedge

My Comment: That is a lot of weapons in a military parade. For a complete photo gallery of this "parade" .... go here.


James said...

I know you're pretty busy, but look closely at the photos. A lot of them are of the same vehicles from different angles. Also a lot of them are missing weapons. I doubt if there are more than 20 to 25 US military vehicles here. Don't get me wrong, they achieved a pretty good success, but for a major victory parade I'm not impressed.

War News Updates Editor said...

James .... I always enjoy reading your analysis on the photos that I post up. You see things that most people .... myself included .... would quickly skip over without thinking.

You are right about my being busy. My mom's injury and her recovery eats up about 4-5 hours of my day .... and the crisis in Ukraine means that I am on the phone/Skype an extra hour or two each day talking with friends and associates. And then there are all the other things that I do.

On the bright side .... my mom is making a great recovery. Russia and Ukraine will ultimately sort out their problems. And I will then have more time to read and post the stories that interest me .... and I hope everyone else.