Wednesday, September 17, 2014

President Obama's Speeches Are Being Used As A Recruiting Tool For The Islamic State

After Obama Speech, Islamic State Wins New Recruits In Syria - Monitor -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Islamic State has won new recruits in Syria since President Barack Obama signalled last week that air strikes against the group will be expanded from Iraq to its strongholds in northern and eastern Syria, a group monitoring the war said on Wednesday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 162 people had joined Islamic State training camps in Aleppo province since Sept 10, when Obama said he would not hesitate to strike Islamic State in Syria.

The new recruits do not represent a big increase in the size of IS, which is estimated by intelligence agencies at 20,000 to 30,000 fighters in Syria and Iraq. But they do illustrate the risk that U.S.-led efforts to crush Islamic State will end up winning it more followers.

Read more ....

Update #1: Around 6,300 fighters joined IS in Syria in July -- Two Circles
Update #2: VOA Special Report: IS Militants Draw Millions From Vast Sources -- VOA

My Comment: There is a great deal of anti-U.S. sentiment in the Middle East .... but the Islamic State has grown not because of President Obama .... but because of the violent Jihadi philosophy and view of Islam that they promote .... and that many Muslims are in agreement with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My Comment: There is a great deal of anti-U.S. sentiment in the Middle East .... but the Islamic State has grown not because of President Obama .... but because of the violent Jihadi philosophy and view of Islam that they promote .... and that many Muslims are in agreement with.

This is true, but I think this also factors into it.

"In private ... they are begging for help .... in public (especially to their own constituency) .... they want to show that they are independent and strong. What can I say .... the hypocrisy of it all"

Such hypocrisy fools some Muslims. It also causes others to not factor in how it is better to be civil than avaricious & rapacious. The hypocrisy primes them to be anti western in a knee jerk. They lie to themselves on multiple levels consciously and unconsciously.