Monday, March 16, 2015

U.S. Army Convoy To Travel 1,100 Miles Through Europe

CNN: U.S. Army sending armored convoy 1,100 miles through Europe

(CNN)Eastern Europe, here comes the cavalry.

The U.S. Army says it will soon be sending armored Stryker vehicles on a 1,100-mile convoy through six European countries to show solidarity to allies in the wake of recent Russian actions in the Ukraine and Crimea that have Eastern Europe on edge.

The move was first reported Thursday in the military newspaper Stars and Stripes. U.S. Army Europe posted the Stripes story on its website on Friday.

WNU Editor: I guess they need to show the flag.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Hope they remembered to pack their Triple A cards and have either On-Star or Roadside Assistance.

Unknown said...

It is the Obama planned obsolescence.

He wears out the vehicles driving countless miles and the stiff the DoD for maintenance or replacement.

Sending them by rail or truck would have been good enough if a person had a good state department and a good track record.